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View Full Version : I need a custom sig

August 5th, 2006, 19:17
anybody here who can make me a custom sig? here's what I'd like

background: Xemnas' gargantuan white machine that you fight in the start of KH2's final boss battles

foreground: Sora's Keyblade on the left, pointing towards the center, and Riku's KEYBLADE on the right pointing towards the center. Where the two Keyblades meet should be a small energy comprised of light and dark elements

one last thing: spread out to fill the bottom should be the words: KINGDOM HEARTS II
if you can get a gold *ahem* "glittery" text color, that would be kick@$$. if not, just gold will be fine.

I'd be extremely grateful if any skilled sig artists could help me out here :)

August 5th, 2006, 19:23
if you want someone to make you a sig you should at least find the pictures for them

August 5th, 2006, 19:25

August 5th, 2006, 20:07
I apologize, i've never requested a custom sig before. i guess i underestimated the time it takes to find the pics. i'll work on getting the right pics up here. thanx for the correction

August 5th, 2006, 20:10
thats cool dude just post links to your pics or host them on image shack or something

August 8th, 2006, 01:34
Ok Kramer, if your a sig artist, I've got the pics. However, my idea has changed completly. (:rolleyes: ) here are the pic locations I would like.

Roxas | Namine

Riku Xemnas Kairi


It would be great if you could change all the picture backgrounds to white if they aren't already, but if not, remove namine and put Roxas in the center on top. As for Xemnas, if you can't change the background, just leave him. On the bottom of the "collage", write KINGDOM HEARTS II in some kind of gold lettering. If you can get some "glitter" in the text color, that would be great, but I wouldn't mind either way. I would also like each outer pic to be 1 and a 1/4 inches tall and 3/4 inches wide. As for the Xemnas pic, bump him up to 2 inches tall, but leave his width as is.

I hope I'm not being too specific or demanding here, but I'd be extremely grateful to you or anyone who could make this for me. :D

Here are my pics

Roxas: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/5/5b/XIII.PNG






Thanks a ton!!!

Wait.. i've got to adjust my diagram up on top. it came out wrong.

Roxas | Namine

Riku Xemnas Kairi


Son of a :mad: ... oh well. The design i'm aiming for is a balanced cross. Hope that explains it.

August 8th, 2006, 01:38

i would help out.....but i am stuck on some other projects.....

maybe a little later ill wip up somthing

Thanks for Everything,

edit: hey...... due to the fact that we are taking peoples sigs that are to big out...... youll have to think of a configuartion thats somthing like....... 500x96 max....

ill create a concept

August 8th, 2006, 03:10
what i made in a little bit....having trouble with an idea for a concept........

can you through me some ideas please? anything? that restrains in the about 500x 96 range?

Thanks for Everything,

August 9th, 2006, 01:22
thanx for the heads up on the size thing. Mine would have been taken out, huh? anyway,would have looked ugly that big. but dude, your concept is f***** awesome! I'll take this, man! thanx, i owe you one!


btw, i know this is really off topic, but i figured you would know. If i downgraded my PSP from 2.6 to 2.0 fw, would i be able to run emulators, roms, and homebrew w/out GTA and eloader? :confused: If so, how do I put the emus,roms,and such on my PSP? Could you help me out here?

Again, thanx a ton for the crazy awesome sig!:D

August 9th, 2006, 01:43
you still need grand theft auto for homebrew on 2.0 but atleast you can downgrade from that to 1.5.:)

August 9th, 2006, 01:59