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View Full Version : Ridge Racers2 Commercial (JAPAN)

August 6th, 2006, 11:00
Any Ridge Racer fans here, well the new Ridge Racers2 Commercial is now on Youtube, check it out

August 6th, 2006, 11:01
riiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge racerssssssss! lol :) is this an official commercial or was it done by someone with too much time on their hands?

August 6th, 2006, 11:54
But more to the point, Ridge racer on the psone! And looking dam fine :)

The PSPs Ridge Racer is one of my favorite games atm, only finished the basic tour yesturday, onto the pro tour today :)

August 6th, 2006, 15:49
Even though Ridge Racer on the PSP was one of the first games for it, I have never tried it yet. Lots of people rave about how great it is so I guess it is indeed worth playing.

August 6th, 2006, 18:07
Well people either like it or hate it. If you're into Gran Tourismo, PGR, or Need for Speed most people that like those games hate the Ridge Racer series. They take the game to seriously. It's not a car spec race sim, it's just a straight arcade speed driving experience. If you just take the game for what it is you'll be pleased. I have loved the series since I first played it in the arcade and made me pick up a psone. This is going to be another great game for my collection.