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View Full Version : Hack Night: GeoHot "I would not do CFW on PS3"

June 20th, 2010, 22:58
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1737

GeoHot held its conference during the Night of Hack and thanks to one of our members, Wasit, which could attend to it, we offer this summary of the presentation of ps3 hack.

"The presentation was very technical, it outlined the various exploits on different machines, the iphone / ipodtouch / IPAD to the PS3 via the nokia 1661.

PS3 side, not much new compared to what we could have as info on his blog (analysis, and finally the hard way to crack the machine). However, it was a good summary of the whole, putting forward the main point of the story, namely that the PS3 is technically hacked (we have access to reading and writing in the LV1), and GeoHot does not invest in research to exploit (or at least he did not speak publicly). The hackers around the world have all the cards (Dump LV1) to find faults.

What was not in charge but he told our members before the presentation is that we can not consider custom firmware for PSP ", ie a modified LV2 , to avoid compromising any security of the PS3. It is therefore the party to which addressed first: find a weakness in the LV1, to have it load a LL2 unencrypted.

Compared to the hypervisor, it is a hypervisor IBM seems very secure. This is the same whether in otheros and gameos. According GeoHot, there is no difference in access to the GPU side gameos otheros that side, and the lack of 3D acceleration in otheros is simply because there is no driver for. Obviously the lack of official documentation of hypervisor calls do not help to develop one. "

Big thank you to Ouassa for its report live from the conference.

June 21st, 2010, 22:51
so no 3.21 oo :{