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View Full Version : "All players" can win at StarCraft II

June 28th, 2010, 22:59
Everybody will have a chance of winning in every game of StarCraft II they play, Blizzard has promised.

StarCraft II is an RTS. RTS games are harder than rocks.

But Blizzard's "goal" is to have 50/50 matchmaking in the upcoming real-time strategy game, which should help pair players up with those of equal skill level.

"There were some balancing issues when we first started the beta," lead producer Chris Sigaty told IGN.

"But our matchmaking has improved greatly since then. The ultimate goal is for 50/50 matching - all players should have a chance of winning in every game they play. We know that there are people out there who want to win all the time, but that's really no fun."

Sigarty warned players not to expect StarCraft II's single-player campaign, called Wings of Liberty, to teach them the mad skills needed to win at multiplayer.

Instead, the game will include challenges designed to give you a fighting chance.

"The single-player doesn't help with online much," Sigarty said.

"It just teaches the players the core basics - it doesn't try to tell them how to do it right. Beyond this, however, there are the challenges that will prepare players by helping them understand that having only eight units collecting minerals isn't enough, for example."

No matter how much time you put into StarCraft II, though, there will always be a South Korean who is better than you.

Game's out on PC and Mac on 27th July and it's looking aces.
