View Full Version : System Ping Check Removal v0.1 - No More 30ms Limit

July 1st, 2010, 12:24
News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EkZZZFVZEAdzcnTlvj.php

Team FBDev released System Ping Check Removal v0.1 for homebrew 360:
What is this?
This patch will remove the 30ms check on the key exchange from xbox to xbox over system link. This was known as the "30ms ping limit". It seems that only the client needs the patch.
1) Make sure you have Dashlaunch v1.0 installed.
2) Place Kxam.patch in the root of usb or hdd.

Hopefully this will encourage people to stay off of xbox live with hacked xboxs as there is no real reason for it.

- FreeBoot 0.032 with DashLaunch 1.0 (kernel 9199)
- An internal harddrive and/or usb stick (check DashLaunch 1.0 readme)
- The file from this release on the root of it (kxam.patch)
- Power up Xlink Kai(info)
- And see you online!

Known Bugs?
None really, its possible some games have internal Pinglimits..
They'll need to be removed by doing MemoryPatches (gametrainer per example).