View Full Version : AdHocToUSB for XLink Kai

July 6th, 2010, 01:07
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&id=40660&view_reply=1

The Yuki - Japanese developer has released me an interesting plugin for our PSP. This AdHocToUSB for XLink KAI and , as you might guess from the name , allow us to access the multiplayer client KAI using a normal USB connection instead of the usual WiFi keys . The application was tested on PSP with CF -2000 -D3 5.50GEN and PSP -3000 with 5.03GEN CF -C , according to Yuki - I , the application should also work on PSP -1000 with the latest version of CF gen

July 6th, 2010, 05:27
This sounds great, checking it out right now

edit: can't make bridge.exe work

July 6th, 2010, 20:06
Does anyone here know if it's possible to setup XP to share my mobile phones internet connection with Psp? I get a net connection on pc but it shows as a dial up modem and won't bridge with WIFI to share.

July 6th, 2010, 23:23
ok now bridge.exe connects my psp, but on Xlink Kai appears as not reachable

"Reachable : not yet"
also the new connection for the MS Loop thingy appears as very limited or null

edit: I think I'll be buying a wifilink, it's the only way I know for sure