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View Full Version : Sony Struggles To Define the PSP

August 9th, 2006, 19:15
Via Slashdot (http://games.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/08/09/062209)

Brian Crecente has a piece over on the Rocky Mountain site talking about Sony's struggle to make the PSP stand out. The failure of the UMD format, its de-emphasis as a media player, and the lackluster stable of games leaves PSP owners wondering exactly what to use it for. From the article:

"While digital media is a key focus for Sony Computer Entertainment right now, the company is also working to expand other elements of the portable as well. In November, the PlayStation 3 will launch with built in PSP support. While [PSP Marketing Manager John] Koller wouldn't discuss specifics, he did say that the PlayStation Portable will be a 'remote control device' for the next-gen console. He says more details about that connectivity will be coming out in the coming months, perhaps at the Tokyo Game Show next month."

August 9th, 2006, 19:18
i dont think using the psp as remote control for the ps3 is a good idea. its like your playing GTA on ps3 and you need to look at the psp to change outfits or whatever. you change outfit and by the time you look up someone jacked your car :rolleyes: the ps3 came with a controller for a reason...

August 9th, 2006, 19:24
Well...If they would've welcomed homebrew in the first place, they wouldn't be "struggling"...bad call $ONY.

August 9th, 2006, 19:34
Built in PSP connectivity in the PS3 is great. But the PSP has failed in being a "stand out" multimedia device. If anyone is contemplating getting a PSP these days, its because of the now great game library.

Yes thats right, I'm sick of people describing PSP games as "lackluster". Yes, they were at first and for a while. But PSP games have gotten increasingly better and continue to do so. Some even measure up to or surpass console counterparts.

While the Nintendo DS may be more unique and provide a different kind of gaming experience, the PSP is the most powerful portable gaming device to ever hit the market.

Perhaps this is why Sony is developing the PSOne EMU. Who cares about UMD video. If UMD games continue to be as good as they have been lately combined with a good PSOne EMU, and finally PS3 interoperability, the PSP will finally prove its worth as the definitive handheld gaming solution.

With that positive outlook expressed, I cannot avoid attacking Sony's failure to make the PSP a better multimedia device.

1.) No internal built in storage solution. We have to buy EXPENSIVE memory cards limited in capacity.

2.) The PSP offers a 480x272 resolution screen but yet Sony limits us to 320x240.

3.) Its built in speakers SUCK. So using this for MP3's with a headset is just not as practical as using an iPod.

4.) There is no download service to work with the PSP. Apple already had a fruitful iTunes service before their newest iPod's hit the market. The PSP had no such service and still doesn't.

I could go on, but you all get the point. I think Sony has been trying to do too much in one time and they have not spent the time and effort to make their product stand out.

I am optimistic about the PSP's future. Things could go better if Sony plays its cards right.

August 9th, 2006, 19:48
Emulation alone is enough for me.. pity though that memory sticks are expensive compared to SD/MMC's. Isn't there a DIY SD/MMC -> MS converter somewhere?

August 9th, 2006, 19:51
its a homebrew portable emulator. they just dont want to admit it.

August 9th, 2006, 19:52
it may be a while before sony can convince me to invest more money in my psp, im stickin with homebrew.

not a single game, memory stick, umd nothing!

I mean, i didnt buy my psp with the idea of using it solely for homebrew, but honestly, they need to get their act together.

August 9th, 2006, 20:26
everyone loves there psp .this talk here is crazy talk

i know a guy who never ever uses his and he still
loves it ,i cant figure that one out ill admit

how can you say its not a stand out device?
shiite man show me a standout multimedia
device .seriously if theres something even
close to psp standoutness ill agree with ya.

the psp as a ps2 remote is just retarded
i have 2 ps2, 2 xboxs and atleast one
working psone ,and why would i need this
feature to use with any .universal remote
Uhh, hell yeah now that would be nice (yeah
i know about the homebrew ,never got it
to work). how long does sony want the hype
to last ?true hype but old

August 9th, 2006, 20:36
it may be a while before sony can convince me to invest more money in my psp, im stickin with homebrew.

not a single game, memory stick, umd nothing!

I mean, i didnt buy my psp with the idea of using it solely for homebrew, but honestly, they need to get their act together.

This brings to mind an interesting irony. People have obvious gripes about the PSP and Sony's plan for it. So lets take a look at some of the things we can do with the PSP that Sony has failed to give us:

1.) If not happy with the PSP library of games, homebrew gives us a vast assortment of emulators to allow playing of great games.

2.) Sony has failed to utilize the PSP's built in WiFi so homebrew has provided us WiFi Internet Radio, instant messaging, ftp computer connectivity, and more.

3.) Sony keeps us very limited in storage solutions so homebrew has given us ways to store homebrew and more on our PC's and stream to the PSP via WiFi & USB.

4.) Sony prevents us from using the PSP's full resolution so homebrew has given us PMP Mod & PMP Mod to give us full 480x272 resolution.

Those are just a few expamples. Basically, at this point it can be safe to say that homebrew has made the PSP magnificent. Not Sony.

August 9th, 2006, 20:43
its a homebrew portable emulator. they just dont want to admit it.

lol. my thoughts exactly, plus video playback - which keeps me entertained on roadtrips etc, plus the photo viewer, plus the web browsing capabilities, plus the firmware emulator with loading capabilites *wink.

thats what i been using it for since day one. is sony reading this?

August 9th, 2006, 20:48
I dont really think of my psp as a psp but more of a portable emu system.

August 9th, 2006, 21:01
Yeah, If It wasn't all the Killer HomeBrew Apps! I would've dumped my PSP A Long Time Ago! The PS1 EMU does sound good but.. $15.00 a Game?:mad: How about $5.00 a Game!:rolleyes: Which is what all those overstocked UMD Movies are going for now!:D

August 9th, 2006, 21:38
i still wouldnt buy the umd movies for 5 bucks will use that money to get the dvd and just use the pmp mod avc and boom same quality well i guess it works for me because i got a big enough memory stick but ya get the point and yea without homebrew i would of been have a Nintendo DS (Lite) and come to think of it its hard to not buy the DS Lite now with all them good games and its cheap man the hell with it im gonna get a DS Lite very soon. lol

August 9th, 2006, 22:00
One Word:


August 9th, 2006, 23:04
I think Sony hasnt lost its way with the PSP.

I think its lost a lot of users faith and attention because its been too clever at its own game.

They've been slowly eeking out extra functionality in the firmware updates: better wi-fi security, web browser, rss, etc.

The only thing I can half forgive them for the wait, is the PSOne emulator and even the timing of the release in relation to the PS3 makes me skeptical.

To me a lot of these features should have been there from day one but Sony have been shrewd enough to know that it would be hacked. They held back the extra funtions to incentivise users to upgrade for the sake of eg. native playback of a video format.

To me, its been too little over too long.

How come the Mylo gets Opera when we get a slow, single machine concentrated browser?

August 9th, 2006, 23:36
some of u people make a very gd point. homebrew has revolutionised the psp into doing things that sony did not want it 2 do. who knows sony may try 2 catch up with homebrew devs but i doubt that cv much

August 9th, 2006, 23:45
Seems like the thing sony needs to do is finally give in and allow homebrew, with appropriate disclaimers.I mean does windows prevent people from running their programs because they might steal a program and use it?No.

August 9th, 2006, 23:54
thats why i have five psp's

August 9th, 2006, 23:56
why the hell do you have 5? :eek:

August 9th, 2006, 23:57
long story :):
to make it short:
1 American black psp bought by me
1 Japanese black psp bought by me
1 Japanese white psp bought from my friend in japan bought from my money that i gave him.
2 american psp christmas presents, i love my uncles.

August 10th, 2006, 00:22
damn, can you sell me one :D lol

August 10th, 2006, 00:24
yeah, sure $500 +shipping and handling

August 10th, 2006, 00:25
kk, plus i'll give you tax ;) lol.

August 10th, 2006, 00:27
yeah sure, i forgot that too. lmao! :D

August 10th, 2006, 00:36
i think i'll just buy a new 1.52 psp for $240 on Success HK :D

August 10th, 2006, 00:43
their available?

August 10th, 2006, 01:00
Portable multi-platform gaming.. That's what Sony should use for its marketing campaign. That's what exactly my PSP now.. 5 emulators installed and counting.. (still waiting for PSone and decent N64 and who knows.. DS emu ??!).

This is truly a powerful portable machine coming from a greedy ignorant company..

August 10th, 2006, 01:08
ha ha ha

August 10th, 2006, 01:33
Yeah sony is a bit ignorant, it's not like they would be responsible for what people run on their system.Just like pc manufacturers aren't responsible for what you do with their products.C'mon the thing is a portable computer!
5 psp's,what do you do with all those acn010?

August 10th, 2006, 02:19
their available?
ya. Brand new 1.52 PSP's are $240. I just have to check the shipping charges...:(

August 10th, 2006, 02:36
acn010 man i though i was the only one with so many PSP then again i know i will allways have hombrew on the go.

August 10th, 2006, 02:58
sony u nobs tbh, my mate has a psp and it collects dust all time cos he has few psp games but.. homebrew, emulation etc cant beat it. sony should try use this somehow otherwise ds will keep on owning it ( dunno how ds sux ). playing curse of monkey island on my psp atm and got bs 1 and 2 rdy to play after i finish it :D. was shocked how i got comi to 305mb n able to fit on my memcard. still happy with my PSP been yr now since i had it ( launch day 2005 )

August 10th, 2006, 02:59
ds kinda sucks because of its very limited RAM. at least it doesnt have firmware updates though. when will sony learn?

August 10th, 2006, 03:06
emulation is no ilegal as long u have originals etc so they easily make a multy emulation program.. advertise it etc wud sell millions of psp's

the mario 64 i tried on daedelus emu looked way better then ds 1 but needs speed increase. when it does gonna own.

August 10th, 2006, 07:20
I bought my PSP with the intention of running HomeBrew. I love having all my old favorites on it. I have many custom games and apps also. I love PSPChess I got Mario pieces and Mario music performed on piano playing in the background. PMP Video Player is fun also I got episodes of my favorite shows I can upload and watch on it.

It's really sad how much Sony wants to hold back the PSP in terms of capability. It has so much potential and they are so slow about adding new features that homebrew developers create these apps for themselves and the community before Sony can produce them and they distribute them freely.

August 10th, 2006, 07:38
emulation is no ilegal as long u have originals etc so they easily make a multy emulation program.. advertise it etc wud sell millions of psp's

the mario 64 i tried on daedelus emu looked way better then ds 1 but needs speed increase. when it does gonna own.

they dont make any money selling psps...

only software and accessories

August 10th, 2006, 07:51
Actually they do make money selling psp's,after the production costs drop.
That's generally part of hardware poducers business plan.It wouldn't be a very good idea to always lose money making hardware.Only thing is production costs won't drop until they have produced x number of them

August 11th, 2006, 06:38
It's funny to think that homebrew and devs is just what sony wants...all this energy trying break sony is really bringing more people together around the PSP and giving it the "luster" it deserves

August 11th, 2006, 07:04
What is this BULLS**T about the PSP not having any good games?! It's got more quality titles then the DS. I just don't understand this, "PSP has no Games" bull at all! (And I'm not even counting the AMAZING Homebrew emulators and stuff!)

I think video game reviewers have lost their minds. Clearly there's something lacking between their ears if they can praise the amazing PSP games like GTA and Daxter, and then say the PSP ain't got beans in the very next review. The only thing the PSP is lacking is a decent price. It's the only reason the DS keeps outselling it.

The only thing I can think of that might make people think the PSP is lagging is the spoiled gamer. The PSP is so much like the PS2, people just kind expect it to *HAVE* all of the games the PS2 has. Which is just crazy, since it's only about a year old! It's so much like a REAL console, that it's BLOWN people's Minds! They can't handle how much like a real console it is, so their expectations are unrealistic.

Or maybe it's just the DEVIL. Think Mario sold his soul to Satan for eternal popularity?

August 11th, 2006, 07:05
Not only that, they get to learn where their security holes are with their "free" homebrew hacking security team.Not to mention free market research.

August 11th, 2006, 07:24
Actually they do make money selling psp's,after the production costs drop.
That's generally part of hardware poducers business plan.It wouldn't be a very good idea to always lose money making hardware.Only thing is production costs won't drop until they have produced x number of them

oh i know but i doubt they could sell that many psps....

R & D is very expensive... and even a lot of production costs..

correct me if Im wrong but sony still hasnt caught up even with accessories and games... because i think they are loosing money still

Poor sony!