View Full Version : Israeli sensor startup linked to PS3 'Eye Toy'

August 10th, 2006, 17:47
Prime Sense (Herzeliya Pituach, Israel) has developed a sensor plus digital processor to provide a real-time 3-D mapping of objects in space, according to the company's Website. In essence it appears to be an image sensor and processor combination which perceives the world in 3D and derives an understanding of the world based on sight, in the same way that humans do.

For the Eye Toy application it is expected that the Prime Sense sensor will be used to view the user so that his or her position and movements can be abstracted and then applied to the through-character in a computer game.

The device includes a sensor, which sees a user (including their complete surroundings), and a digital component, or brain which learns and understands user movement within those surroundings, according to the Prime Sense Website. Prime Senses interactive device can see, track and react to user movements outside the computer, all without change of environment or wearable equipment for the end user.