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View Full Version : Retailers plan StarCraft II launch events

July 22nd, 2010, 18:44
Major retailers across the US and UK are finalising plans to celebrate the launch of StarCraft II next week when Blizzard's latest - and long-awaited - real-time strategy hits store shelves.

In the US, the official launch event will take place at Fry's Electronics in Fountain Valley on Monday July 26, while GameStop is to open 3000 stores on that evening at 9pm allowing gamers to take part in costume and art contests.

The retailer is also running a promotion that will see anybody purchasing a copy of the game at midnight receive a GameStop Boost Pack, featuring savings on products from Alienware, NDIVIA and GameStop.

Meanwhile in the UK, GAME is to host the official launch event in London's Oxford Street store, with doors opening at 11pm local time. Gamers attending will be able to meet members of the game's development team and gave their game copies autographed.

StarCraft II was originally expected to be released last year, but now forms part of a busy period for the developer, which is also hard at work finishing off the Cataclysm expansion for World of Warcraft.
