View Full Version : PC Gamers Too Good For Consoles Gamers?

July 24th, 2010, 11:03
thsoundman sends in a blog post from Rahul Sood, CTO of HP's gaming business, who claims there was once a project in development at Microsoft to let Xbox users compete against PC users playing the same game. According to Sood, the project was killed because the console players kept getting destroyed by their PC counterparts. He wrote, "Those of us who have been in the gaming business for over a decade know the real deal. You simply don't get the same level of detail or control as you do with a PC over a console. It's a real shame that Microsoft killed this — because had they kept it alive it might have actually increased the desire of game developers and gamers alike to continue developing and playing rich experiences on the PC, which would trickle down to the console as it has in the past."


John Vattic
July 24th, 2010, 18:15
I can somewhat confirm this, playing mostly pc games lately, i find the console versions boring. Not to mention the pc games are cheaper than the console versions. Sadly my ps3 just sits, unless i play metal gear. Thats the only game i bought ps3 for anyway.

Get good at shooters on PC and you can slaughter any shooter game made today for consoles.

July 24th, 2010, 21:51
This is entirely true. Most console gamers (especially the last generation of consoles) do not get the level of detail in a game that the PC offers. They use their controllers on a 3D shooter and it just isn't the same as a mouse and keyboard. Yea they make mice and keyboards for consoles but let's be honest how many people bought them and how many games support their use? Not many on both questions. I remember the leaked Half-Life on Sega Dreamcast. Although the console has a keyboard and mouse and I have both of them I tried playing it with the controller. It didn't work or feel as good as playing it on PC with a mouse and keyboard and my shots were not accurate. Couple that with a video cable (I do have a vga box for Dreamcast and it helps a lot here) and you have a low resolution inaccurate mess on your hands.

July 24th, 2010, 22:47
Having used both I'm more accurate with a controller, because it is less sensitive compared to a mouse.

July 24th, 2010, 23:29
My targeting's just all over the place with a mouse so always have to put on low sensitivity, and just get cramped up and really don't enjoy a K&M, and don't forget 100% of PC gamers have the option if they so choose to cheat, where modern consoles are a lot harder.

July 31st, 2010, 11:39
Shooter and strat I aggree. EVERY other genre the console comes up trumps.
You are simply not able to compare console gaming to PC gaming. On both sides, for every pro for the one there is a con for the other.

Example wise
The mention that PC games are cheaper - check the price of the system in comparison?