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View Full Version : Daedalus R7 Compatability list (WATCH THIS SPACE)

August 12th, 2006, 12:17
Watch this site

When daedalus R7 is released, this list will be filled.

The reason we are restarting is because daedalus R7 will be a big difference as of massive bug fixes and huge speed ups.

Hope to see you there

Comments / Suggestions are welcome at any time

Note - We are still looking for user contributions

These can be accepted by Infernomax, Wally or Sroon at any time.
All contributions must contain a screenshot, missing_mux file (if any outputted), maximum speed obtained, estimated maximum speed of game ( if game runs 20fps and it feels fast then max will be 30fps, otherwise if game runs at 40 well its going to be 60fps), any anything else in the list that i have forgotten into a zip file and sent to [email protected]

August 12th, 2006, 12:40
Awesome been waiting for this!!!!

August 12th, 2006, 13:02
I really can't wait for this. Mario 64 and Mario Kart are supposed to be much quicker.

August 12th, 2006, 14:14
Prepare yourselves for the best compatibility list ever!!

August 13th, 2006, 00:14
Your site doesnt work boy o

August 13th, 2006, 03:55
ohhh damnn cant wait o man :)

August 13th, 2006, 08:57
Site doesnt work eh?

Sif :P

August 13th, 2006, 09:05
it works for me

August 16th, 2006, 04:01
so whens this major speed up going to appear???

August 16th, 2006, 10:16
Daedalus R7 has been released

August 16th, 2006, 12:21
Check out the list, Over 90 games tested already all on R7

August 17th, 2006, 08:23
I was up till midnight testing roms I must say ive got some suprising results and what do you get is


this wasts serious time this used to be fast 2-5 minutes now 10 minutes for even a 2meg game to unzip on the fly so please I've waster 30 minutes last time dont do the same.

so im going to unzip all my roms and test them when the storm hits London.

Lego Racers runs very smooth very playalbe but major graphical issues including that the psp is widescreen and the n64 rearly isnt meant for that so its real distorted.

I've got big problems with the lessor known roms (demos) show up on the list but thiers no name to be seen.

and another problem is when i go to take screen shots it slows the emulation down for about 2-3 seconds giving faulse readings on the framerate, but others dont seem to have the same problem

August 17th, 2006, 10:31
This list is great! :) ...it's saved me loadsa time in testing.

Theres quite a few games I'm going to try now, Earthworm Jim looks very promising.

The best game I've tried so far that seems to work pretty much spot on is 'Rampage'.

Thanks for all the info and screen shots. :D

August 17th, 2006, 21:53
Dexteniod 15fps
mario kart 1st race psp crashed duringmid-air jump over a smallisland over water top fps 13.25
forumlar 1 Pol-Position froze b 4 getting into the gameat 8.01fps
blast corps (v1.1)
n64 logo appears slow framerate crash shows final fps at 0.64
All star tennis menu 19.9998 max ingame 26 min 12fps

all star baseball fails to load any setting combo used psp crashes
astriod hyper 642fps
ataxx 3.34fpsmax
automobile lambogenuimenu flickers 6.78fps ingame same problem 5.63 max 6.35fps

banjo kazo N logo 8-9fps 6.48-8fps intro video speed 2nd video after intro video 6-13.35fps
flying broom fps 10.81
2.881t ingame video
batman beyond logo appears but doesnt reach menu memory stick flashes then psp crashes 27.22
transformers beast wars in menu 7-9fps
got in game want playable psp crashesas soo as it got to a plable stage
bio freaks psp shuts down imiadiatly
body harvest 6.27 psp froze
bomberman 65 intor videos gets no further than the bomomber man name logo intro inside shows 15, snow 11, brick 9, space 18-25
bomberman hero 28-30 l8r part of the viddeo 16-20 30.28 menu gets no futher
callifornai speed freezes at menu no ingame
castlevania froe straght brown box purple inside no futher than 3 secinds
carmilion twist contoler error message gets no futher
chopper attack 8-14fps draw distance issue but lot of detail shown for close up objects

clayfighers ingame 7fps
crusin errotica txt flickers gets no in game or pre ingame menus
usa crash at 0.78fps mini yellow text of 1st page in game
world gets into the menu then crashes
cyber tyger 1st page then freezes
destruction derby stuck at saves choice otpion then
disy kong in game 10fps purle blue
purple whier item place holders are

tarzan 29.97 in menu 15.87fps top speed iname 10.95 lowest ingame average and main;ly 11.99

dr mario menu all purple 12-14fps
duck dodgers text loads then crahses
duke nuken 4.88 fps tops pic of fire on box 4.44 actual in gae spedd

excite bike 64
no game load
extreem G 8.15 tops in game average 7.18

bio freaks psp shuts down
body harvest 6.27 psp froze


August 18th, 2006, 14:54
As stated in the link of working games... Forsaken 64 runs like a dream! Apart from a few textures on the enemy ships, the game is really playable. Its very smooth flying around.

Thanks for the tip! :)