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View Full Version : Supercard DS Lite Review

August 13th, 2006, 15:47

I ordered my Supercard DS Lite a few weeks ago from Linkers4u.com (http://www.linker4u.com/affiliatewiz/aw.asp?B=3&A=244&Task=Click) and finally it arrived, im no tech head so thats not the sort of review i do i just do a plain does it work or not review, going into tech details might interest some but i would be talking out of my arse if i posted such stuff.

Anyway check out my review of the Supercard DS Lite and also Passcard 3 (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/supercard-dslite-passcard3-review.php)

August 13th, 2006, 21:05
Hey Wraggster. I was wondering if you tried the Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories rom on it. I just baught the Supercard MiniSD for homebrew and to play KH COM because my cousin borrowed mine and he moved to another state for the summer. I finished KH2 and I feel like I need to play COM again but it just isn't as enjoyable with all the slow downs.

Other GBA Roms that were slow for me were Mario Kart Advance and Super Mario Advance 2. And they aren't just slight slowdowns. They are very noticible.