View Full Version : Digital Comics (Demo) for 5.XX Released

August 23rd, 2010, 21:27
News via http://www.psp-hacks.com/2010/08/18/digital-comics-demo-for-5-xx-released/

No, wait! Don’t get excited — it’s a demo, meaning, you can’t actually read any comics yet… This particular release simply showcases the possibility of Digital Comics on your hacked PSP. It boots, it runs, it can even play mp3s right now — just no comics.

Liquidzigong is working hard at cracking the remaining piece wide open. So keep your browser bookmarked & locked at psp-hacks.com ‘cuz we got you covered.

Here’s what Liquidzigong had to say; translated of course, from Chinese to English:

理论上由于检验漫画许可证的mlnapp_proxy.prx没有被真正破解,所以这个破解版可能并不能看 漫画,只能算个“演示版”。

mlnapp_proxy.prx is not fully decrypted, so we cannot actually read the comics, but this is only a demo.


this shows that the 6.XX and the 5.XX kernels are very similar.

Whataya think? Does Liquidzigong possess the necessary skills? My money says hells yeah. Download and check it out; maybe you can even lend a hand.