View Full Version : Unclean boy. Gaming's fault. The Sun excels again.

August 26th, 2010, 18:59
Here's the latest outrage. The Sun has reported on a teenager's Xbox 'addiction' - and has put lots of angry capitals in its story so we know it's really bad.

The 17-year-old lad doesn't just have a tinker on Xbox Live every now and then, oh no - he wakes up in the morning and has a "15-HOUR binge" from 9am daily.

We think he sounds like a bloody committed, ambitious fellow. But perhaps his career-mindedness could do with a boost.

The Currant Bun uses the word 'binge' in that inimitable 'TEENAGERS DRINK ALCOHOL AND FALL OVER' way.

Zach - who The Sun makes sure to describe as unemployed because, you know, most kids are well up the career ladder at 17 - manages to multi-task by playing FIFA or CoD on the Xbox and Football Manager on the PC.

The worst bit is "he often doesn't WASH". (The Sun's formatting, not ours).

Reckless use of caps-lock aside, Zach's addiction doesn't sound like it's making for the best of times. He's suffering headaches and blackouts, which doctor's have blamed on the addiction.

Can the parents get involved? Doesn't sound like it. Mum said, "There is nothing I can do to stop him playing".

How about taking away the Xbox Mum?

"Doctors have warned him of the health risks but playing video games is the only thing that makes him happy," she adds.

"I do not want to upset him by taking his consoles away."

Yeah now you put it like that. Sure, the massive blackouts are a problem, but at least he's happy.

Here's the worrying part. Zach says it wasn't always this way:

"It started off slowly," he says. "I only spent two or three hours a day playing. It was just for a bit of fun."

We don't know about you lot, but we play for a few hours for fun. Sometimes more than a few!

Just remember: If you find yourself playing two games at once with an audience of flies, you might want to roll into hospital.

We're so glad The Sun's around to look after us gamers. Did you know, for example, that games cause depression and they also stop young men exercising all by themselves? Evil, evil games.

DISCLAIMER: Other than The Sun's claims, we have no evidence that Zach doesn't wash. (Or, indeed, 'WASH'). So play nice.


August 27th, 2010, 10:51
Sounds like scum bags to me,no jobs sucking money off the goverment,i bet even the parents don`t work!!!and we are paying for this!!!!!!

August 29th, 2010, 10:48
That REALLY made it in to an actual newspaper? This is right up there with "Local man uses public toilet!" and "Teen girl watches box set of Family Guy in one sitting!"