View Full Version : M$ Xbox LIVE Gold just got more expensive

August 30th, 2010, 20:39
I wanted to let you know that as of November 1, 2010 we are increasing the price of an Xbox LIVE for some members. This price increase only affects Xbox LIVE Members in Canada, Mexico, United Kingdom or the United States.

1M Gold: $7.99
3M Gold: $19.99
12M Gold: $49.99

Starting Nov 1, 2010
1M Gold: $9.99
3M Gold: $24.99
12M Gold: $59.99

1M Gold: 4.99 GBP

Starting Nov 1, 2010
1M Gold: 5.99 GBP

1M Gold: $8.99 CAD

Starting Nov 1, 2010
1M Gold: $9.99 CAD

12M Gold: 499 Pesos

Starting Nov 1, 2010
12M Gold: 599 Pesos

Unless listed above, there is no change in any other subscription packages.

Since launching Xbox LIVE in 2002 we have continually added more content and entertainment experiences for our members, while keeping the price the same. We’re confident that when the new pricing takes effect, an Xbox LIVE Gold membership will continue to offer the best value in the industry.

However, we do want to thank our loyal members and give you the opportunity to lock in your current price with an additional discount, so now would be a good time to renew your subscription (http://mjr.mn/lockinlive).

Again, the only subscription packages impacted are those mentioned above. For instance, the 12m UK Price? Not affected since it is not mentioned above.

Edit: You can sign in and hit this page on Xbox.com (https://live.xbox.com/Flows/ManageSubscription/ChooseSubscription.aspx?Check=true) to find out when your Xbox LIVE subscription expires.

Even though the MSRP for Xbox LIVE Gold in the US is $49.99, it's sometimes sold for $30-35 from some online retailers. Hopefully, these sale prices would stay the same.

Source: Major Nelson (http://majornelson.com/archive/2010/08/30/price-change-for-xbox-live-gold-subscription.aspx)

August 30th, 2010, 20:43
I pay yearly so doesn't effect me... luckily.

But still anyone who was hopping for the gold account to be free are reduced in price, that's you answer

August 30th, 2010, 20:48
Yearly still isn't too bad. It's like paying for a new game.

Free will always be better though. :P

August 30th, 2010, 21:11
Major blow to the wallet for US owners as every LIVE price is increased. For a 1 year subscription being $10 more, may not be pricey to some but add up the years you would be buying and it will be especially for someone who's been laid off, college student, etc.

August 30th, 2010, 21:43
Someone who's unemployed should have slightly higher spending priorities than pwning noobs over XBL.

August 31st, 2010, 00:36
Someone who's unemployed should have slightly higher spending priorities than pwning noobs over XBL.
Very true but not everyone is as smart. Hopefully, people know better and set their priorities.