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View Full Version : Priiloader v0.5

August 30th, 2010, 21:49
DacoTaco has released Priiloader v0.5

Priiloader is a modded version of Preloader. Just like preloader, Priiloader places itself in boot sequence before the system menu. By this priiloader has the ability to:

Patch memory just like StartPatch or Preloader. Hacks.ini should be on the sd root(only once, they get copied to NAND) and can be found here.
Save wii from banner & other kind of bricks that aren't ios/boot2/nand corruption related
Start something else than system menu on power up (a dol file, bootmii, homebrew channel)

v0.5 : DacoTaco strikes Back
Redesigned a bit of the installer. it is now using the HW_AHBPROT flag set by HBC and no longer requires
a patched ios when run from HBC 1.0.7 or above. if it is run from < 1.0.7 then it still requires a patched IOS.
NOTE : the redesigned part of the installer is closed source for now cause of the used code
Booting a Dol/Title now stops the DVD drive as well
Titles list is now forced to display in english
Dropped Support of Cios
Added support for Homebrew channel 1.0.7&1.0.8 booting & reloading (in case of a DSI crash)
Added online Updating (full versions and beta versions. also language mods are available)
Added a password backdoor incase you forgot the password.To change the password temporary to "BackDoor"
press on the Password Screen "1" and then 4 times "2" on the Remote or "Y" and 4 times "X" on GC/Classic.
Added System Menu TMD patching for HW_AHBPROT so that applications started by Priiloader can enjoy the fun too
Fixed rare bug when Show Debug info was on and reset was pressed
Fixed some USB stuff
Fixed some title booting stuff (removed & moved to SD titles are not listed anymore)
Fixed the green bar that could show when booting system menu
Fixed .elf binary loading
