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View Full Version : Miniclip enjoying iPhone success

August 31st, 2010, 16:30
Miniclip, one of the biggest online casual games portals, has reported promising figures for its iPhone game Fragger. The title was released in early June, with a free version following a month later.
According to TechCrunch, the free version has been downloaded more than two million times already, while the paid edition has been riding high in the App Store's Top Grossing chart.
The company has a new business unit focused on mobile, initially with iOS and Android, with more smartphone platforms to follow.

Mobile offers a new revenue stream for sites like Miniclip, which hope their big online audiences - it has 57 million - will follow them to mobile.
What's unknown is how many of those users, who are accustomed to playing games for free online, will be amenable to being upsold to paid versions on their smartphones.
The chart success of Fragger's paid version at least hints some of them will.
