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View Full Version : Help with a V2.60 that Gensis will not run, Trying DevHook with mac...

August 16th, 2006, 03:39
Ok I have been using Gen for the booting my my 2.50 Game Y's Ark. I just bought Valkyrie Profile 30 min ago because I saw it online and frankly... I have the original but it refuses to play... so I went nuts and bought it...

Now it says it wants me to update to 2.60 not surprising but I thought Gen would have no problem with it... WRONG.

So I am going nuts, I have my new game i have waited so long to play again because my disc is screwed up and now I can not play it unless I use the other PSP which will be gone tomorrow anyway as I traded it for a Blue DS and some other stuff... anyway.

I believe DevHook will run this so i want to try it out but since I am on a mac I can not complete the requested actions without a PC users help.... so can someone help me out here.


August 16th, 2006, 10:18
Well good news is you'll be allright.Makes no difference whether you have a mac or not.I don't use windows.Yes the answer for you is definitly devhook!!!!
No need for automatic installers either you just might have to do some searching to learn how to dump your firmware ,although dumping and installing the firmware isn't all that hard. Probably a good idea to do it manually,as the xperience will be good for you.
I also reccomend making sure your version is spoofed above 3.0 to avoid accidental updating, as well as disabling network update.

August 17th, 2006, 18:58
Well it sounds like something I could do but I am more of a hardware person so I was just hoping to get it working for now so I could send off my v2.71 psp to its new owner lol.

So I could really use some help with the files today since dumping the firmware is a project for me to jumpon at a later date. For now I just need to confirm I can get it running or else its going to b a problem letting my 2.71 go.

I am going to try in the EMU section instead seems to be more focus there.