View Full Version : PSGroove Open Source Free Version of PS Jailbreak PS3 Exploit Released

September 1st, 2010, 17:19
http://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy_1.jpg http://www.pjrc.com/store/tpp_main_1.jpg

Mathieulh and his crew have released their "free" version of the PS Jailbreak code.

To the dismay of the majority of people waiting for it, though, the team have disabled the ability to install games. If running unsigned homebrew code is your thing, though, grab a Teensy 2.0, Teensy++ USB Development Board v2.0 or an AT90USBKEY and have fun. PSGroove is an open-source version of the PSJailBreak exploit for AT90USB and related micro-controllers.

PSGroove for now allows the very same features as the PS JailBreak but without backup manager support, you can also now remove the dongle.

Download: HERE (http://github.com/psgroove/psgroove) (Compiled Open Source is attached - NO BACKUP MANAGER INCLUDED)

This is the PSGroove, an open-source reimplementation of the psjailbreak exploit for AT90USB and related microcontrollers.

It should work on:

…and maybe more.

This software is not intended to enable piracy, and such features have been disabled. This software is intended to allow the execution of unsigned third-party apps and games on the PS3.


Chip and board selection can usually be handled in the Makefile. In particular, update the MCU, BOARD, and F_CPU lines. Suggested values:

Teensy 1.0:
MCU = at90usb162
F_CLOCK = 16000000

Teensy++ 1.0:
MCU = at90usb646
F_CLOCK = 16000000

Teensy 2.0:
MCU = atmega32u4
F_CLOCK = 16000000

Teensy++ 2.0:
MCU = at90usb1286
F_CLOCK = 16000000

MCU = at90usb1287
F_CLOCK = 8000000

Board-specific notes

Teensy boards only have one LED, so it will turn off when the exploit succeeds rather than turn green. Older Teensy 1.0 boards also have the polarity inverted. In general, a LED should do something when the board is powered, and do something different when the exploit works.


On Linux, use the AVR GCC toolchain (Debian/Ubuntu package: gcc-avr). On Windows, WinAVR should do the trick.

make clean


Now program psgroove.hex into your board and you're ready to go. For the AT90USBKEY and other chips with a DFU bootloader preinstalled, you can get the dfu-programmer tool, put your board in programming mode, and run

make dfu

For the Teensy boards, you probably have to use the Teensy Loader software.


To use this exploit:

Hard power cycle your PS3 (using the switch in back, or unplug it)
Plug the dongle into your PS3.
Press the PS3 power button, followed quickly by the eject button.

After a few seconds, the first LED on your dongle should light up. After about 5 seconds, the second LED will light up (or the LED will just go off, if you only have one). This means the exploit worked! You can see the new "InstallPackage Files" menu option in the game menu.


To load files, you will need TEENSY Loader (for TEENSY boards) can be found here (http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/loader.html). If you are using a AT90USB, you can download ATMEL FLIP Utility here (http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/tools_card.asp?tool_id=3886).

Once you have your board, you can also purchase a USB Male Type A to Mini USB 5-Pin Adapter to connect to your PS3. You can buy from DealExtreme (http://www.dealextreme.com/default.dx/r.74066433):

http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa112/dcemureviews/sku_31658_1.jpg (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.31658~r.74066433)
http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa112/dcemureviews/sku_32709_1.jpg (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.32709~r.74066433)
http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa112/dcemureviews/sku_32581_1.jpg (http://www.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.32581~r.74066433)

*NOTE: No illegal files are included. Link above contains open source files. DO NOT POST FILES OR LINK TO ILLEGAL FILES. THIS WILL RESULT IN A BAN! This is solely for homebrew purposes.

Source: Mathieulh (http://twitter.com/Mathieulh) [Twitter]