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View Full Version : OpenPSJailbreak Being Ported to PSP !

September 2nd, 2010, 00:02
News via http://psx-scene.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65216

With all the commotion over the release of Math and companies PsGroove. One aspring person(eavpsp) has decided to take on the task of making a working port for psp.


Change Up!!!
I decided to make the USB Dongle: Teensy and use the open source Teensy Loader software so i can recode it and make it install the Hex onto the Teensy PSP emulator. This will reduce the amount of time it takes to make the app and make it easier to use!!

i need someone who thoroughly understands the OpenPSJailbreak source code..im working on the PSP Teensy emulator

He has now doing updates on both twitter and his blog

This port will be using CWCheats ability to read hex files and hopefully be able to run as a enumerated usb dongle. When ready a public beta will be released.

This page will facilitate all updates and information as it comes in from his twitter account.

The Quotes from his twitter.

seaarching th inter-webs for the darn CWCheat source code.. >_<

okay..i may have found the CWCheat source code..OOOHHH O_O USB support.. XD

installing the psp sdk..thank god for Ubuntu..the developers platform!! ;D

Pulled an all nighter and i wont rest until this is released on every homebrew enabled PSP! gonna go get some coffee..

PSP SDK successfully installed!! XD starting to dev! Wish me luck!! CHEERS!!

If someone knows just a little coding..please at tweet with "Dev"

ok how about a public beta?

arghh!! prxdecrypter will only let me decrypt firmware modules, not raw prx plugins...

Switched to windows 7 and decompiled the code..SUCCESS!

okay dissembled, now i need to reverse engineer it, i need the prx's source code.

has anyone here developed on the PSP before? I need another developer to help me out.

where art thou Dark-Alex... XO

just compiled the psp unpacker

i cant find - libexpat1-dev command for ubuntu

okay compiled pspdecompiler

ready to code the HEx Reader

Got the CWCheat Source.. Project Completion: 15% Next: Recode CWCheat to run the compiled OpenPSJailbreak HEX file.

Evapsp Can also use the help from anybody that has developed on the psp before. Any and all help is welcomed.

He also has a website

btw people check out my site!! http://fussle.weebly.com Donate aswell (if you fell i deserve it of course) No Pressure!!

September 2nd, 2010, 21:19
i wish you luck i decrypted psp ofw 6.30 and installed cfw 5.01 on this psp go and this msg i typed on psp go but some minor bugs i must fix and hack will be on this site only

October 23rd, 2010, 16:56
5.01? is not a PSP update firmware