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View Full Version : The Last Guardian confirmed for TGS

September 8th, 2010, 17:13
Sony has announced that Team Ico will be at hand at next week’s Tokyo Game Show to at last reveal some new details about its upcoming PS3 title The Last Guardian.
The game was first aired way back at E3 2009, before which it had been previously referred to as Project Trico. It’s a spiritual successor to the studio’s previous PS2 outings Ico and Shadow of the Colossus.
Speaking of which, there’s also hope that there may be an unveiling of the long-rumoured HD remakes of those two games that are believed to be in development for PS3.
Judging by its previous games, The Last Guardian will likely continue the studio’s themes of isolation, companionship and minimalist game design – and is unlikely to be like anything else seen on the console to date.