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View Full Version : Open Source PS3ToolChain for PS3 released

September 8th, 2010, 18:24
ooPo over at Github.com has released the open source version of the PS3 Tool chain. This basically allows you to make your own homebrew on the PS3 without requiring the Sony SDK (conveniently released with the PSGroove v1.1 update).

What does this do?

This program will automatically build and install a compiler and other tools used in the creation of homebrew software for the Sony Playstation 3 videogame system.

How do I use it?

1) Set up your environment by installing the following software:

autoconf, automake, bison, flex, gcc, make, makeinfo, patch, subversion, wget

2) Add the following to your login script:

export PS3DEV=/usr/local/ps3dev
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/ppu/bin
export PATH=$PATH:$PS3DEV/spu/bin

3) Run the toolchain script:


Where do I go from here?

Visit the following sites to learn more:


We have also attached the file to make it easier for you.

Source: ooPo's Github (http://github.com/ooPo/ps3toolchain/tree/development) via PS3Hax (http://www.ps3hax.net/2010/09/ps3-open-source-toolchain-released/)

September 8th, 2010, 19:13
nice to see so much progress so soon, the army of coders and hackers have took the PS3 to heart, homebrew soon hopefully, i have a ps3 waiting for it :)

September 8th, 2010, 21:41
Well the XDK killed off Xbox 1 homebrew and an open source SDK came too late to save it, so i just hope people can quickly make use of this one.