View Full Version : Supercard DSTWO SNES Emulator Released!

September 10th, 2010, 22:23
News via http://gbatemp.net/t253135-supercard-dstwo-snes-emulator-released

We're happy to let you know that the Supercard Team has just issued an official release of their Super Nintendo (aka. SNES) emulator for the Supercard DSTWO! This emulator which takes full advantage of the SCDSTWO's onboard CPU to run games at full speed had been reviewed a few weeks ago by our top reviewgirl lilsypha. It is still unconfirmed whether or not the SC team have improved their emulator since the last beta release.

QUOTE(Supercard Team)
This Time we met a lot of troubles, and now the SNES Emulator is not perfect at this moment. We will try our best to improve it.
The emulator does not support the games require very special chips now.
PS. we set the default cpu level at level 2 to save power, if you feel the sound is not synchronized, please try to set it to level 4.
NDSSFC is a SNES emulator only for DSTWO with Real-Time-Save(RTS), Cheats, Screen Snapshot and etc functions.
Download and unzip, then copy the /NDSSFC/ and /_dstwoplug/ folder to the root of your microsd card.
We suggest you to put SNES Roms under / NDSSFC/gamepak, it's easy to search games.
- Save: You should click "Exit" when you want to quit, or you can't save with the original normal save function in-game.
- Call out menu in-game: Touch the touch screen.

September 11th, 2010, 06:08
It would be nice if there were a compatibility list for this, so we can compare if it's that much different to the regular SNES emulators the rest of us use.

"The emulator does not support the games require very special chips now." - I thought this was the whole point, to run Super Mario Kart and etc.