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View Full Version : Xbox 360 Kinect Dashboard Update 2.0.12416.0 Leaked

September 12th, 2010, 16:12
News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EklukVVluFcCkabTgV.php

The (beta) Kinect Xbox360 dashboard v2.0.12416.0 with avatars has been leaked on the internet.
If you want to install this on your Xbox360, keep in mind it will disable your Xbox Live access until the dashboard is officially released. MS will only give LIVE access with this new dash if you are actually a beta-tester, anyone else will be refused access. And of course don't run this update on a jtag'able 360.

How to install:
1.) Extract the contents of 20124160_BETA.rar
2.) Put the $SystemUpdate folder in the root of a CD or USB Stick (Must be FAT or Fat32 formatted)
3.) Insert the CD or USB Stick into your Xbox 360 console.
4.) You will be automatically prompted to update with a USB stick, with a CD / DVD it should say Mixed Media Disc, power down the 360 and power it on again. You should be ask to update before the 360 boots to the dashboard.
5.) Once the update is complete your Xbox 360 will restart then boot up to the new dashboard. Enjoy!