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View Full Version : Open Store, a homebrew market for PS3

September 13th, 2010, 00:54
News via http://ps3.gx-mod.com/modules/news/article.php?storyid=1887

A team of site - Demon hades.org composed of The_Marioga , AdriHades , DanteHades PSmaniaco and was formed to create a "market " equivalent to Apple's Store , PSN Store, Android Market ... but dedicated to homebrew applications for PS3.

This will make it possible to download and install applications directly from your console as long as it has internet access . Otherwise , it will be possible to use a PC version from which you can also download applications , but you 'll requirement to go through a USB drive and install them on the console.

Technically , the PS3 version will use a browser that will perform queries on a remote SQL database containing the list of applications. The PC version will use a web page which also will query a SQL database, page where you can download applications.

In two cases, it will need to register to use the Open Store, or possibly to recover your credentials .

Note that the PC version , test, is already online http://madga.quijost.com/

Hungry Horace
September 13th, 2010, 19:33
it'll never take off if they dont do an English translation....