View Full Version : 72% of US Adults Support Violent-Game Ban For Minors

September 15th, 2010, 21:52
The US Supreme Court won't start hearing arguments over California's law banning game sales to minors until November 2. However, the ruling in the court of popular opinion is already in, according to a new poll. This week, parent watchdog group Common Sense Media released the results of a survey it commissioned on children's access to violent games. Conducted by polling firm Zogby International, the survey asked 2,100 adults whether they would support a law that 'prohibits minors from purchasing ultra-violent or sexually violent video games without parental consent.' Of those surveyed, some 72 percent said they would approve such a law. Common Sense Media CEO and founder James Steyer, whose nonprofit organization is lobbying for game-restriction legislation in many states, hailed the poll's findings. 'We hope the [state] attorneys general will take a look at these poll results and that they'll side with families over protecting the profits of the video game industry.


September 16th, 2010, 21:47
100% of parents don't look at age ratings :P

September 17th, 2010, 00:41
I played Grand Theft Auto: Vice City once when I was 11. Now I'm on the FBI's most wanted list and I have a criminal record so bad that the mafia wouldn't take me. :p

September 17th, 2010, 22:10
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