View Full Version : Yahoo CEO Makes Dire Prediction for Apple

September 16th, 2010, 22:12
Talk about a buzz kill.

Effectively squeezing all the air out of Apple's mobile marketing lungs, Yahoo Chief Executive Carol Bartz doesn't have high hopes for Apple - at least not in terms of the iAd platform. What's the reason for her belief that it will eventually fail miserably?

It's all about the control say's the Yahoo chief. And Apple's relentless desire for "control" will prove a big turn-off to advertisers. In other words, Bartz says Apple will bring down iAds itself. In an interview covered by Reuters, she reportedly said of iAds: "That's going to fall apart for them. Advertisers are not going to have that type of control over them. Apple wants total control over those ads."

Bartz concurs with the complaints that have surfaced elsewhere from advertisers who have worked with Apple on mobile advertising.
