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View Full Version : BEUP MSN For DS Clone (NeoFlash Release)

August 19th, 2006, 17:20
KevinC (http://www.neoflash.com/forum/index.php/topic,2978.0.html) has released a new version of his MSN Clone for the DS for the Neoflash Comp, heres the details:

beup :: an MSN client for the Nintendo DS (http://akzeac.blogspot.com)
Beup is an MSN client that implements chat (send IMs), avatars, presence info and setting, contact lists and states, Inks (drawings), typing notifications, message timestamp, emoticons and sounds. It uses antialiased Truetype font, which allows display for many UTF-8 special characters (like Latin/Greek/Cyrillic/Maths scripts). And it' s GPL!

How to use
Just put it somewhere in your cart and load it.

A means OK (Accept/Update/Open chat/Send message)
B means Cancel
X means Close Tab
L + R to navigate tabs (left, right tab)
Left, Right to navigate within text. You can also use the stylus to position the cursor in any arbitrary position.

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

August 19th, 2006, 17:53
it loads of in max media player but doesnt connect to wireless. any help? not able to select custom.

August 19th, 2006, 20:45
Have you already configured your wireless settings with an online-enabled game, such as Mario Kart, Metroid Prime, Tetris, or another game?

You need to set this up ahead of time and then beup will use those settings.

August 19th, 2006, 21:04
on max media set your ds clock to 00:00, that fixed it for me in an earlier release

August 19th, 2006, 21:52
Its not connecting with my supercard sd + flashme v7. I've used plenty of offical games online and some homebrew but I've had connection problems in the past with alot of homebrew could it be my router or router settings???

August 20th, 2006, 02:37
:/ wish datel would fix these homebrew compatibility and not lie about the max media play capabilities on their website.

August 20th, 2006, 08:32
no, its your wifi, I think you have to manualy put them in

August 20th, 2006, 11:20
Strangely enough beup sometimes freezes for me after sending the first message rendering it rather useless :(

August 20th, 2006, 11:24
Oh, looks like it's Trillian that's acting up. When my friend switched to MSN I had no problems. Trillian = instant crash.

August 20th, 2006, 22:34
Lol, I got this working in one minute, all I had to do was add @hotmail.com to it.

August 21st, 2006, 10:39
Is this version newer than Beup 3 Revision 5:confused:

August 21st, 2006, 16:15
YES I AM WONDERIN A(puts caps lock off) about that to as the latest clear mentioned version was v3 rev 5

August 22nd, 2006, 17:41
Beup OWNS ON G6lite......I couldnt get it to work on my Max Media Dock 1gb though....STUPID CODEJUNKIES..LYERS

August 24th, 2006, 01:16
cannot get avvies to work!
.... a little help please?

August 25th, 2006, 23:33
How do you create a configuration file to have beup automatically connect with the screename and password that you want?

August 31st, 2006, 11:30
thanks, i look forward to using this! :)

August 31st, 2006, 12:24
Is this version newer than Beup 3 Revision 5:confused:

I'd like to know that too...

IMO, beup 0.3rev5 is the latest.

September 12th, 2006, 22:37
I try loading it on my Max Media Dock 4GB with Max Media Player v1.22 and my DS just freezes. :(

September 13th, 2006, 10:10
Lol, I got this working in one minute, all I had to do was add @hotmail.com to it.

Hi Bionic, did you got this work on the MMD? Last release crashed when handshaking with Server!

Still didnīt fix it! This release better?

September 13th, 2006, 21:09
where can i get rev5?

Ted Zeppelin
September 14th, 2006, 14:58
I can't get this to work at all. I load it up (v0.3) on my SupercardLite, it starts up normally, with the message:

Connecting using firmware setup:
Acquiring host info from DHCP...

After a minute or so it will say "Cannot connect" (even though I have setup the wifi connection in Mario Kart and Metroid) so I tap where it says 'SSID', select my router, then input the IP address manually which causes the rest of the settings to fill out automatically.
Then when I tap "Use Custom" the program just freezes.

The really confusing thing is that doing all that used to take me to the login screen instantly. I haven't changed any settings to the best of my knowledge, but the program is acting up all of a sudden. Even when I could access the Login it would hang at "Doing handshake" but this is even worse.

Can anyone help?

September 19th, 2006, 23:21
:/ wish datel would fix these homebrew compatibility and not lie about the max media play capabilities on their website.

you just have to do a little twieking with it like putting it in the root of the drive instead of the games folder

October 9th, 2007, 05:43
does anybody know how to find your Primary and Secondary DNS when setting up your Wi-FI connection??

October 9th, 2007, 21:04
does anyone know if it will be updated to use dswifi 0.3.3?