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View Full Version : DS Dev Nintendomax Competition 2010

September 22nd, 2010, 11:16
News via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?t=12459&f=19&sid=d3fd73aefdd56694473bb2467452ed7f

Nintendomax is proud to announce the launch of the "Nintendomax DS Dev Competition 2010" first edition of this competition amateur development for the DS.

The purpose of this competition is to create a game homebrew novel for DS / DSi games and applications are accepted but will be commonly classified .

Our sponsors already provide lots for the annual competition on Wii, which is why we have launched an appeal for donations via ChipIn and PayPal to fund the competition .

Many of you performs with passion and homebrew competitions are great engines of production. They promote originality, increase your motivation , and give a boost to the scene . We rely on the generosity of our readers and those who support the amateur scene to pick up the pot only by bank transfer through Paypal wiidget following with the icon ChipIn ! .

* The first will receive 50 % of all donations.
* The second - 30% of all donations .
* The third - 20% of all donations.
* The fourth - a surprise gift .

The deadline is 3 months , you have until midnight December 31, 2010 to present your ( your) project ( s) .

All Good code .