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View Full Version : QuakeSpasm 0.85.3

September 26th, 2010, 17:58
News via http://www.aep-emu.de/PNphpBB2-file-viewtopic-t-15629.html

QuakeSpasm is a *Nix friendly Quake Engine based on the SDL port of the popular FitzQuake. It includes some new features, important fixes, and aims for portability and 64 bit correctness. It is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.

5.1 0.85.3

Fix the "-dedicated" option (thanks Oz) and add platform specific networking code (default) rather than SDL_net
Much needed OSX framework stuff from Kristian
Add a persistent history feature (thanks Baker)
Add a slider for scr_sbaralpha, which now defaults to 0.95 (slightly transparent, allowing for a nicer status bar)
Allow player messages longer than 32 chars
Sockaddr fix for FreeBSD/OSX/etc networking
Connect status bar size to the scale slider
Include an ISNAN (is not-a-number) fix to catch the occassional quake C bug giving traceline problems
Enumerate options menus
Add a "prev weapon" menu item (from Sander)
Small fix to Sound Block/Unblock on win32
Lots of code fixes (some from uhexen2)
Sys_Error calls Host_Shutdown
Added MS Visual Studio support
Add a "-cd" option to let the CD Player work in dedicated mode, and some other CD tweaks.

5.2 0.85.2

Replace the old "Screen size" slider with a "Scale" slider
Donīt constantly open and close condebug log
Heap of C clean-ups
Fix mapname sorting
Alias the "mods" command to "games"
Block/Unblock sound upon focus loss/gain
NAT fix (networking protocol fix)
SDLNet_ResolveHost bug-fix allowing connection to ports other than 26000
sv_main.c (localmodels) Bumped array size from 5 to 6 in order for it to operate correctly with the raised limits of fitzquake-0.85
Accept commandline options like "+connect ip:port"
Add OSX Makefile (tested?)

5.3 0.85.1

64 bit CPU support
Restructured SDL sound driver
Custom conback
Tweaked the command line completion , and added a map/changelevel autocompletion function
Alt+Enter toggles fullscreen
Disable Draw_BeginDisc which causes core dumps when called excessively
Show helpful info on start-up
Include real map name (sv.name) and skill in the status bar
Remove confirm quit dialog
Donīt spam the console with PackFile seek requests
Default to window mode
Withdraw console when playing demos
Donīt play demos on program init
Default Heapsize is 64meg
Changes to default console alpha, speed
Changes to cvar persistence gl_flashblend(default 0), r_shadow, r_wateralpha, r_dynamic, r_novis
