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View Full Version : PSP palmtop party explosion! [PSP]

August 22nd, 2006, 20:17
It’s getting to be a good time to be a PSP owner. Decent software is beginning to stack up or is in the pipeline (at last!) and today we have details of a pair of incoming games, each with designs on creating a full-on party in the palms of your grasping mitts.

First up we have KAZooK, a title that is just as wacked-out as the nutty typography tries to suggest. As the game’s publishers Xplosiv would have it “KAZooK is not just a place to party but a state of mind that balances on the edges of dream and fantasy.” Yeah, whatever you say fellas…

In actuality KAZooK is a collection of 30 allegedly bizarre mini-games that range from simple shoot ‘em ups to bouts of Sumo wrestling and piloting wayward UFOs amongst, er, 27 others. There are also 16 suitably zany characters to play as, three types of solo play, Wi-Fi play for two players or for six using the game’s ‘hot-seat’ mode and even a limited game-sharing function using just one KAZooK UMD – a leaf borrowed from Nintendo’s book, perhaps?

Next, and in a very similar vein we have HOT PXL from developers zSlide (what’s with the upper and lower case names today?) courtesy of Atari, or should that be aTArI…

HOT PXL is rather grander in scale than KAZooK, featuring a collection of some 200 micro-games and 10 boss battles, all with a theme of digital culture and da ‘streets’. Ahem. Challenges here include Zaxxon-inspired mini-blasts, tricking out on a skateboard and crossing the road – heck, we all know what a challenge that can be in the city! In addition the game has an electro and hip-hop soundtrack and the ability to download new playable content via a PC interface. Cool.

Both games sound like a bit of a laugh – and let’s face it PSP owners need all the help they can muster to crack a smile. Joshing aside, KAZooK (the first four screenshots shown)is out October 20th for the crazy giveaway price of just £19.99, while HOT PXL is scheduled for the end of November at the more regular rrp of £34.99.

http://img105.imageshack.us/img105/5192/kaz1imageul0.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/3590/kaz3imagekq7.jpg (http://imageshack.us)
http://img170.imageshack.us/img170/9403/kaz4imagemy2.jpg (http://imageshack.us)