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View Full Version : Help... Broken Power Switch

Inigo Montoya
August 24th, 2006, 14:38
Hello, I have a 2.6 PSP(Big mistake!) and now my power switch doesn't work. It was getting kinda difficult to switch it on and off and then it became impossible. Hold still worked but it didn't turn off/on. So I kept it pluged in because if I couldn't turn it off I couldn't turn it back on either. My brother unpluged it for some reason and the battery went dead so now it is essentialy a $250 paperweight. I can't find the receipt, what should I do?

August 24th, 2006, 15:28
go to www.psptree.com
you can get repairs there!

or you can open it up and try to fix it yourself.
Both ways void your warrenty though.
other than that just call sony and tell them the power switch isnt working.
i dont think you need a receipt for there.

August 24th, 2006, 15:36
other than that just call sony and tell them the power switch isnt working.
i dont think you need a receipt for there.

and if they send u a 2.8 as replacement sell it and buy a 1.5 instead...lol

August 24th, 2006, 16:11
where are you from…

in europe, sony will send out a replacement the day after you phone up…you just swap the unit with the courier(the couriers dont really know the product, so if you want to keep an extra power cable or battery, now is your chance :p)

if its a ta-82 or 2.70+ then sell it and get a 1.52, or downgradeable 2.50 from successHK

Inigo Montoya
August 24th, 2006, 17:00
I'm from the US, And I already tried to turn it on with a paper clip. The paperclip thing only worked once. Can I replace it if I'm missing the Grey power switch? The analog nub came off a few days after I got it.

The PSP came with 2.1. originally, I think, but I updated it before I learned 2.6 couldn't play Homebrew. Homebrew was mostly what I wanted it for anyway.

Many Thanks

August 24th, 2006, 17:12
That sucks, man...Hope you can get it fixed or exchanged for a new one with homebrew able firmware. The analog nub coming off isn't that bad, you just snap it back in place...or did the whole base come off it's place?

2.6, eh? You can still downgrade it with GTA if it doesn't have one of those pesky TA-082 motherboards....Anyways, hope you can find an easy way around this Inigo...BTW, I had some childhood memories for a sec with that name...

"You killed my father...Prepare to die"
Great movie...although my wife sez it's cheesy, but I don't care...It's still Comedy Genious!

Inigo Montoya
August 24th, 2006, 21:00
I could just pop the nub back on... but I lost the nub. And I'm glad somebody finally got the reference.

August 24th, 2006, 22:38
you get a power switch replacement on ebay
ebay has everything :D

August 24th, 2006, 23:48
you get a power switch replacement on ebay
ebay has everything :D

ebay has everthing