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View Full Version : Windows Vista 32-Bit CAN Play HD DVD, Blu-ray Movies

August 25th, 2006, 15:26
An update to our earlier post, it turns out the 32-bit version of Windows Vista can play next-gen protected high definition content. Microsoft reps said Senior Program Manager Steve Riley was mistaken when he told a group of Australian developers that Vista couldn't handle the high definition movies.

But the Microsoft representatives said the support will come from third party HD DVD/Blu-ray movie playback software developers like CyberLink who already make DVD playback software. It's up to these developers to determine whether the environment they have set up will meet the environment criteria the "content owners" impose on manufacturers. So that probably no next-gen playback for Vista out of the box.

August 25th, 2006, 16:23
lets see how they mess this up as well

August 25th, 2006, 17:12
Yeah, something's going to go wrong... :rolleyes:

August 25th, 2006, 17:41
for something to go wrong, surely it needs to start out right…

August 27th, 2006, 09:42
vista just eats up your system i had the beta version and it is power hungry :s so this will come with a catch such as "windows vista allows you to play high definiton movies as long as you have purchased the following: a xbox360, 23 graphics cards out of our resonable $600+ range. and 86 gig of ram"

absolutely pointless items but you apparently will need to buy them.

also a subscription to microsofts own codec for windows media at $100 a year.