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View Full Version : New PSP Kobo Release 1.2

October 13th, 2010, 19:08
I've updated PSP Kobo to version 1.2. Besides a bunch of bug fixes, I've added support for auto-firing as well as level/score saving.
There is also some small graphical touch-ups in the start screen.
Since the original porter Rekless's site is M.I.A., I've moved the project to sourceforge.


Download V1.2 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pspkobo/files/Eboots/PSPKobo_V1_2.zip/download)

My modified source code is also online there. If you have trouble running it, let me know what PSP version you have as well as the custom firmware version.
My test system is a PSP Slim 2000 with 5.50 DGEN_3 firmware.

October 20th, 2010, 16:12
I found a few late bugs and uploaded the new 1.21 version to sourceforge. This new version fixes the screen dimming during use of the analog nub and also fixes a few other small issues.

Download Version 1.21 (http://sourceforge.net/projects/pspkobo/files/Eboots/PSPKobo_v1_21.zip/download)