View Full Version : What Can I Do?

August 26th, 2006, 00:27
I recently brought another dreamcast after pulling out my old one and finding out that it was broke. The controller ports wouldnt work and I found the guide on how to fix them but I got a little carried away and now the dreamcast wont even turn on. But my question is with the new dreamcast I have brought is there any way to prevent the controller ports from going out or is it just something thats going to happen eventually :confused:
Thanks in advance

August 27th, 2006, 14:19
usually controller ports have no reason to wear out, so don't worry about your other dreamcast

August 28th, 2006, 13:20
You sent me a PM on the subject, but you have selected not to recieve PMs so I'll put my response here...

in one of your post you said that if you dont have a soldering iron then u can jus wrap the legs of the blown resistor.

I followed your directions and I get different results. At times the system wouldnt turn on at all and sometimes when i had it on the controller would never work but the litte memory card screen would make a beepoing noise and show sum icons at the top. Even tho i got this on the controller wouldnt work. Do u have any ideas on how I wrap the F1 upp?
Umm... if the DC doesnt turn on then chances are you either have another problem than the F1 or you've shorted two connections somewhere.

Basically, if your F1 blows you need to just connect the two points any way possible. You could remove the F1 fuse and use wire to connect the two points (what i did) but if dont have a soldering iron then yes, twisting the fuse so that the two bare metal legs touch to complete the circuit will be fine.

If the controllers VMU turned on then the controller is getting power and you correctly shorted the F1 fuse.

Check the connection is between bare metal, and make sure you dont have any other problems with the DC (check other connections, leads etc).

Good Luck :)

NB: I havent touched a DC in a while so this info is from memory, please correct me if im wrong anyone.