View Full Version : Lara Croft PC/PS3 must wait for co-op

October 20th, 2010, 22:49
On 27th October fantastic downloadable game Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light will finally be playable cooperatively online.

On Xbox 360.

PC and PS3 owners will have to wait. Again.

How much longer, Crystal Dynamics' tweet didn't say. "PS3/PC coming later, stay tuned," was all that was mentioned.

To say sorry for taking so long, Crystal Dynamics will hand the first of five planned DLC packs out for free. To everyone, we assume.

We're don't know what exactly is in each pack, but we do know the first three are based around adding new areas to explore, whereas the final two introduce "well-known" alternative characters to the game.

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was an experiment for Crystal Dynamics. A small team made a cooperative adventure (playable by two people locally since launch) as a spin-off to the pillar Tomb Raider series. The gamble paid off in abundance. Eurogamer awarded a massive 9/10 and everyone went bonkers and took their clothes off.
