View Full Version : REAL custom firmware for PSP

August 28th, 2006, 06:27
Why hasnt anyone tried (except epsilon (Which im sure is fake) ) to make a flashable custom firmware for the PSP.

Not like the cheap custom firmware hacks but with a whole new shell with.

A) File Explorer
B) Movie Player (Divx Support)
C) Flash 9 support
D) Homebrew support
E) Multitasking
F) Mouse support
G) Windowed mode
H) Recovery mode
Maybe like a mini linux.

And would work from a PSP with any firmware.

I cant see why this cant happen.

August 28th, 2006, 06:56
Sounds great

August 28th, 2006, 07:13
Maybe its easier said than done? plus they are pretty busy working on their own projects but its worth a shot.

August 28th, 2006, 08:11
There is actually a custum firmware in the works that is supposed to support some of those options. Its called like 0x89, here is a link to the main thread over at qj.net:

edit: Here is the official site: http://psp.nixlabs.net/

August 28th, 2006, 08:54
There is actually a custum firmware in the works that is supposed to support some of those options. Its called like 0x89, here is a link to the main thread over at qj.net:

edit: Here is the official site: http://psp.nixlabs.net/
Is it necesary for you to add that webs link. (qj)

August 28th, 2006, 09:07
i think it is possible…but not likely

we are more likely to see a new autobooting shell

August 28th, 2006, 14:01
psp-linux is in the works,it is planned to be a flash.
you can join the mailing list.

August 28th, 2006, 17:24
I haven't got any new messages from the mailing list in about a week, and progress seems quite slow as it is. I'm not sure PSP-Linux is really something to bank on at this point. I don't even think any code has been written yet, It's mostly just a lot of discussion.

August 28th, 2006, 17:32
If they made a custom firmware with most of those features up there, I would gladly flash my PSP (not that way :D).

August 28th, 2006, 17:32
I certainly hope that's not the case,I noticed the lack of mailings as of late as well.Maybe it's a sign of work being in progress:)
hopefully the development with the psp keyboard a couple of weeks ago helped the project along.
I personally wouldn't mind using the danzeff with psp-linux.

Who are you kidding video freak,you've been flashing your psp since you got it;)

August 28th, 2006, 17:52
Actually, I've only flashed it twice- upgrade from 1.52 to 2.00. Downgrade from 2.00 to 1.50. :D (I'm talking about the new one I got on Augut 15th btw.)

August 28th, 2006, 17:57
Not that kind of flash buddy,lol;)

August 28th, 2006, 18:00
Not that kind of flash buddy,lol;)
I can only respond to that comment with one character:


August 28th, 2006, 18:05
:D back at ya!
Really though it would be nice to see some alternatives to sony's xmb,as well as alternate browsers for the web(faster please!!)
Personally I try to use the command line as much as possible,and would love to be able to do that on my psp.
Not to mention being able to do all our file manipulation,text editing,browsing,programming and other fun from the command line.

August 28th, 2006, 18:58
Iv been woundering the same thing, it would be so cool if all those features where added, i would flash it in seconds of the release.

August 29th, 2006, 01:36
Interesting :)

Ox89 is useful afterall :)

August 29th, 2006, 01:51
Not quite following you wally.What do you mean?An address?

August 29th, 2006, 02:05
nah hes the guy who made it

Also known as

August 29th, 2006, 02:10
That's cool I just googled it and found it,actually I think 0x89 does refer to an adress on the firmware flash chip as well as being someones name.Looks like a very promising project.

August 29th, 2006, 02:10
Why hasnt anyone tried (except epsilon (Which im sure is fake) ) to make a flashable custom firmware for the PSP.

Am I missing something here?

Epsilon is not fake, I was using it earlier.

August 29th, 2006, 02:14
I never recall hearing about epsilon bios being fake!I take it your using it on your modchip of course.
It'd be interesting if we could just flash it to our firmware without a modchip.
Anyway what's the epsilon like?

August 29th, 2006, 02:24
I never recall hearing about epsilon bios being fake!I take it your using it on your modchip of course.
It'd be interesting if we could just flash it to our firmware without a modchip.
Anyway what's the epsilon like?

Yea I was using it on the Modchip. Epsilon is pretty good for an early release (1.1). It is just like running standard 2.71 firmware but with full kernel mode access allowing you to run almost everything 1.5 firmware can.

August 29th, 2006, 02:30
What can't it do?

August 29th, 2006, 02:49
Play avi files.

August 29th, 2006, 04:03
I would like a really cool new bios and bootshell, although since I have never had the pleasures of booting homebrew on 1.5 I would love for the chance. The stuff Epsilon is supposedly doing is great but, it doesn't look anything differant from the original thing... New icons and flashy interface would be cool. It would be awesome if they made the interface customizable like the GPx2's

August 29th, 2006, 04:24
I would like a really cool new bios and bootshell, although since I have never had the pleasures of booting homebrew on 1.5 I would love for the chance. The stuff Epsilon is supposedly doing is great but, it doesn't look anything differant from the original thing... New icons and flashy interface would be cool. It would be awesome if they made the interface customizable like the GPx2's

For something already developed and current (although just a shell) , You might want to try out PSP-OSS (my favourite)



With Custom firmware you could easily have your Psp boot these as default instead of the standard bland XMB.

Regarding Epsilon custom firmware, I doubt it will ever look any different (or flashy) because it's design piggybacks of your current 2.71 onboard Psp firmware at boot up removing the protection allowing kernel access and then runs from the UP chip Epsilon bios that is based on 1.5 firmware for compatibility.

Epsilon also adds features that allows you to easily recover from any (software) bricking of your Psp similar to custom firmware recovery mode but much more complete. For example, Custom firmware will not be able to recover from anything major and it will fail if your firmware version has been faked to something high apparently.

In the Epsilon recovery mode you can downgrade your Onboard flash regardless of which firmware version it is, for example 2.8 to 1.5 or 2.7 to 1.0 etc, run an official Sony update and you can update the Epsilon Bios. Without Epsilon you would need to rely on unbricking via USB.

Inigo Montoya
August 29th, 2006, 14:23
Why doesn't someone write a Forth based firmware like Open Firmware? Of course it would have to be simpler so that the end user can actually do stuff with it. Not to mention it would have to support application develepment. You could easily put a custom XMB over that.

August 30th, 2006, 02:41
Good thinking inigo Montoya and Lodis!!

PSP OSS Is probably the best shell so far (maybe IRshell beats it) but this would solve issues for those with
2.50 and higher with a Ta-082 motherboard.

Give people the chance to customise the firmware more. Recovery option so if one flash doesnt work, the second one will.

I can see PSP-OSS or IRshell being successful in this case

August 30th, 2006, 03:58
I've been using PSP-OSS ever since the first version came out. Its great.

With Custom firmware you could easily have your Psp boot these as default instead of the standard bland XMB.

I never thought about that prospect. I would love to see that ability in future custom firmwares.

August 30th, 2006, 04:28
If they made a custom firmware with most of those features up there, I would gladly flash my PSP (not that way :D).

wait. isn't there a limit to how many times u can flash ur psp? or are u talking about another form of flashing?

August 30th, 2006, 04:47
wait. isn't there a limit to how many times u can flash ur psp? or are u talking about another form of flashing?
Flashing Limit?! :eek:

August 30th, 2006, 04:49
There isnt a limit but people say your flash can wear out around 1,000 flashes.

August 30th, 2006, 09:38
How can it possibly wear out? Its not like a stone or a digestive biscuit.
Hey when you want to test all the flashing tricks, can I use custom firmware to boot up devhook emulated firmware 1.5, and mess about with xflash etc as much as I want, with no fear of a brick?