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View Full Version : HelloPRX (a PRX mod for custom firmware)

August 29th, 2006, 14:35
This is a simple prx for Custom Firmware, to load up on boot up.
When you start up, it will display a custom message(of your choice), then go to your regular XMB. Currently its says Hello in ASCII text, but you can can it to anything else, (Including ASCII graphics)

Add to the config.txt
# Extra PRX's to load on boot.
loadmodule0 = "ms0:/psp/system/Hello.prx"
or loadmodule1 = "ms0:/psp/system/Hello.prx"
or loadmodule2 = "ms0:/psp/system/Hello.prx"

Here is a video(Thanks mupet0000) of the PRX in action


This is just a simple personal touch for you PSP.

Please report any problems, and/or Bugs
Bug Report - This does not work with LordSturm's Casual custom firmware, This should be fixed in a later version
Bug Report 2 - AIOmod does not work with this

Tested with HargleyG's v2 custom firmware with SCE intro off, and works great

Download and Give Feedback Via Comments

August 29th, 2006, 15:01
this looks cool.... i would like to use custom fw but im satisfied with devhook. well... keep up the good work devs:D

August 29th, 2006, 15:03
this looks cool.... i would like to use custom fw but im satisfied with devhook. well... keep up the good work devs:D
devhook works with custom firmware, you know
devhook is even better with custom firmware,
it feels like im dual booting now

August 29th, 2006, 15:32
wow i didnt know that.... i think ill try it now.... time to research. thx 4 the heads up:D

August 29th, 2006, 15:42
Fantastic prx...

...I actually made 1 of these and crashed my psp...this works, thank you so much your a star :)

August 29th, 2006, 15:53
thanks it works on psp mad's custum firmware!!

August 29th, 2006, 16:14
to downgrade v2.71 couldnt they just make a swf game or something... like 1 u could download then run in the internet browser and have it downgrade it... prbly not... just a thought

August 29th, 2006, 16:15
to downgrade v2.71 couldnt they just make a swf game or something... like 1 u could download then run in the internet browser and have it downgrade it... prbly not... just a thought
are you posting in the right thread?

August 29th, 2006, 16:23
great app my friend. Keep it up.

August 29th, 2006, 16:33
culdn't u just do the same thing and add it to DevHook, like add it the same way as the Screenshot/USB mods for DevHook? it just seems so much simple-er

August 29th, 2006, 16:36
culdn't u just do the same thing and add it to DevHook, like add it the same way as the Screenshot/USB mods for DevHook? it just seems so much simple-er
yes, you probably can add it to devhook,

but this one starts for your regular XMB

August 29th, 2006, 17:52
to add it to devhook i think you add it to the pspbtcnf.txt file in the dh/<firmware number here>/flash0/kd/ folder, but some prxs can crash devhook, so if it doesn't work you have to remove it

August 29th, 2006, 18:06
Yay! Now no one can take my PSP and claim it is theirs :P

August 29th, 2006, 18:29
this is just damn inportant to have on the PSP :D

August 29th, 2006, 19:05
check out mine:
message.jpg (http://acecombine.uw.hu/psp/files/message.jpg)
message.txt (http://acecombine.uw.hu/psp/files/message.txt)

August 29th, 2006, 19:06
this is really nice! Just a small idea, maybe if you made this load up a png image or soemthing and maybe play a short 3-5 sec sound file. That would kick arse! it would be a custom splash screen entirely :)

anyway great work on this!

August 29th, 2006, 19:44
What is ASCII grafics?
could be nice if you could make some pictures with soundeffects, or even cooler if it was posible to make a small moviesequence.... then you could really theme up your PSP:p


August 29th, 2006, 19:47
this is really nice! Just a small idea, maybe if you made this load up a png image or soemthing and maybe play a short 3-5 sec sound file. That would kick arse! it would be a custom splash screen entirely :)

anyway great work on this!
that was going to be the direction i was going,,

but i think this was good enough for a first release

August 29th, 2006, 19:54
ascii graphics(aka ascii art) is like

____ ____ ____
/\ _`\ /\ _`\ /\ _`\
\ \ \L\ \ \,\L\_\ \ \L\ \
\ \ ,__/\/_\__ \\ \ ,__/
\ \ \/ /\ \L\ \ \ \/
\ \_\ \ `\____\ \_\
\/_/ \/_____/\/_/


//' ___ `,\
/( <___"-" \\
',-,____ ""`\;'
',.--."> ,'

(there a bit distortet due to the forum, but look here for more http://www.chris.com/ASCII/ )

August 29th, 2006, 20:01
Thous are great love the little white rabbit.:eek:

August 29th, 2006, 21:23
yeah i was also thinking would you be able to get it to show for longer.......also i wanted to know if there is any way to make a prx that would prevent thr psp from even starting without you password....even into a umd....i would love this as i know my psp would be useless if stolen :P

August 29th, 2006, 21:27
yeah i was also thinking would you be able to get it to show for longer.......also i wanted to know if there is any way to make a prx that would prevent thr psp from even starting without you password....even into a umd....i would love this as i know my psp would be useless if stolen :P
i can probably make a prx that will only start if you holding a certian button /combo
and if your not holding the button, it will just crash, and shut off

as for it to show longer,, when i tryed before, it just froze, but i probably did something stupid

August 29th, 2006, 21:54
i can probably make a prx that will only start if you holding a certian button /combo
and if your not holding the button, it will just crash, and shut off

as for it to show longer,, when i tryed before, it just froze, but i probably did something stupid

Well maybe the custom firmware that is being made by harleyg will have a locking feature because as it stands even if a prx was made and it auto loads and stops the psp booting till password was inputted it would be pointless if you take the memory card out

August 29th, 2006, 21:56
Well maybe the custom firmware that is being made by harleyg will have a locking feature because as it stands even if a prx was made and it auto loads and stops the psp booting till password was inputted it would be pointless if you take the memory card out
but you can take the ms stick out, and it wont read the cf either

August 29th, 2006, 22:03
no this new firmware that is getting made is all on the flash and completly replaces your old firmware....i know loading prx's on the current custom firmwares would just be disabled by removing the card so i hope the config for 0x89 is stored on flash or atleast the password bit i think this would be amazing infact i dont see why sony havnt done this i think its a really good idea.....maybe a button combo could also be considered much less likley for somebody to guess

.....yes i do sorry its probs incase people loose their password.

August 29th, 2006, 22:29
no this new firmware that is getting made is all on the flash and completly replaces your old firmware....i know loading prx's on the current custom firmwares would just be disabled by removing the card so i hope the config for 0x89 is stored on flash or atleast the password bit i think this would be amazing infact i dont see why sony havnt done this i think its a really good idea.....maybe a button combo could also be considered much less likley for somebody to guess

.....yes i do sorry its probs incase people loose their password.
exactly why sony doesnt do it,
people are stupid, atleast sony thinks they are

August 29th, 2006, 22:47
if the 0x89 did have a password to use, it would be stored on flash 1 (easier to modify...probably) so it would still work if memory stick was removed, what would the point be of password protection being on removeable storage :p

August 29th, 2006, 22:51
if the 0x89 did have a password to use, it would be stored on flash 1 (easier to modify...probably) so it would still work if memory stick was removed, what would the point be of password protection being on removeable storage :p
for idiots who just stole your psp, and dont know a thing about it
(like taking out the ms)

August 30th, 2006, 01:25
wow this sounds soo cool and i love the custom fw iv been waiting for some new mods and im downloading this now lol thanks for this and keep the mods comin

EDIT: i just tryed this and found out it will not work with the mp3 mod of slashers well i like the mp3 mod v3 better so yea maybe if this can be fix to work with the mp3 mod ill use but until then im not goin to but it is really cool tho:D

August 30th, 2006, 01:52
great app keep going

August 30th, 2006, 01:55
try to put it as loadmodule0

if it doesnt work, its not my fault(meaning i cant fix it),
i contacted some devs, and its not my code that blocking the other mods

August 30th, 2006, 02:03
lol ok ill give that a try but i dont think itll work but ill try and i was just wondering if it would be posible to make a prx that would allow a 1.5 user to use wallpapers i dont think it would be but its just a thuoght i had lol

EDIT: ok i tryted putting it on loadmodule0 and it loaded up this time but the mp3 mod wont work now ill just wait to see if it works on a later release if you update it but for now imma stick with the mp3 mod

August 30th, 2006, 04:17
bro, i have a suggestion, can you also try loading a pmf file? thanks in advance!

August 30th, 2006, 06:03
Yay! Now no one can take my PSP and claim it is theirs :P
lol very true.... ittl b too easy to get back after all the "proof" ppl like us customize it with HAHAHA... mine says ma name now lol:p :D :cool:

August 30th, 2006, 15:17
lol ok ill give that a try but i dont think itll work but ill try and i was just wondering if it would be posible to make a prx that would allow a 1.5 user to use wallpapers i dont think it would be but its just a thuoght i had lol

EDIT: ok i tryted putting it on loadmodule0 and it loaded up this time but the mp3 mod wont work now ill just wait to see if it works on a later release if you update it but for now imma stick with the mp3 mod
yeah i want this as it stands im using somthing called wab skin changer which works fine but it some times makes the screen white and it also makes the little icons when scrolling through the games apear whites aswell but better than nothing.......also you must use the x-flash to remove the wavey lines and you basically have wallpapers that change every month But it would be great if there was a method that didnt write to flash

August 30th, 2006, 16:29
good job,
I would find this plugin better if it could print something usefull.

For example some birthdays that would be read from a file made by a little app.
Or a picture.

or anything else, I don't know...



August 30th, 2006, 16:34
good job,
I would find this plugin better if it could print something usefull.

For example some birthdays that would be read from a file made by a little app.

or anything else, I don't know...


birthdays, on a startup???:confused:

this lets you put a custom logo of your choice on startup

if you want to put birthdays on the startup, you can do that as well

August 30th, 2006, 16:38

I was meaning,
that with an other program, you enter a list of your friends with their birdthdate, and when you take your psp to play, it reads the file and says you that tomorow or today, it's the birthday of your friend. So, like we all play a lot, we cannot forget birthdays anymore :D

or in the same way, a sticky note, like the phone allows you to do:
"I mustnot forget to go to buy the next psp game I need wich is released today in stores"

Well, I agree that the psp is a gaming system, not a pda, but.. that's the kind of small features that it seems that people love to have ^^

August 30th, 2006, 16:40
oh, i understand now,,
but i dont think ill be putting that in

August 30th, 2006, 16:42
Ok, or at least, maybe a picture would be nice instead/with some text.

August 31st, 2006, 00:12
nice progress.

September 13th, 2006, 02:12
I'm using HarleyG's firmware, and the PRX's aren't working!

Here's what i have

# Extra PRX's to load on boot.
#loadmodule0 = "ms0:/PSP/SYSTEM/AIOMod.prx"
#loadmodule1 = "ms0:/psp/system/hello.prx"
#loadmodule2 = "ms0:/mp3XMB/RUNMEmp3.prx".
#loadmodule3 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule4 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule5 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule6 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule7 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule8 = "blahblah"
#loadmodule9 = "blahblah"

email me at [email protected] if you figure it out... please?

September 1st, 2007, 02:55
hello, i have version 3.52M33-4 and i cant get this to work, can someone plz help me?

September 1st, 2007, 03:00
HelloPRX was made for the early POC custom firmwares, before OE even existed. Because of this, it wont work with the newer custom firmwares. But If you are insterested in a plugin that allows you to have you own intro, look up Cintro.

September 1st, 2007, 03:02
o wow, haha ive been getin so frustrated with it for hours, wow omg....hhaaha, well so u say that will do it? do i hav to flash to get it to work?

September 1st, 2007, 03:14
Can someone please do an updated version?

I so want to hear the words, "Shall.....we......play......a........game" on startup with the same words. That would be awesome. Or some kind of reference to the hackers movie.

September 1st, 2007, 03:22
ahhh i did the CINTRO thing and taht dosnt work eaither...., and ya tah "DO U WANT TO PLAY A GAME?" would b pretty siik, i seen dat movie haaha

September 1st, 2007, 03:50