View Full Version : Metareview - Star Fox Command (DS)

August 30th, 2006, 16:56
Via Joystiq (http://www.joystiq.com/2006/08/29/metareview-star-fox-command-ds/)

Proving again the subjective nature of gaming, Star Fox Command for the DS receives mixed game reviews with a current Metacritic average of 80%. Commonly highlighted strengths include single-player mode, presentation, graphics and dogfighting, with dialog, multi-player mode, and its short length being marked as weaknesses. Here's what early reviewers are saying:

Gamespot - 75%: "The presentation in Star Fox Command is one of the highlights. The impressive 3D visuals do a lot to make the game more appealing. The ship designs look great, the game runs smoothly, and there are a number of different, good-looking environments to fly around in."
Yahoo! Games - 90%: "StarFox Command continues to prove that the DS is more than a trumped-up Game Boy... Combined with the fun dogfighting and smart stylus control, this is better action than we deserve in a portable."

Gamepro - 85%: "Unfortunately, there are some minor issues that keep Star Fox Command from becoming a truly spectacular title. The maps are small and cramped and the game is just too short."
1UP- 70%: "Where the developers really missed the boat was in multi-player. The standard combat arenas are all well and good, but that's pretty much all there is. None of the strategy elements that comprised the core of the single-player game are in multi-player..."
That's too bad: Talking animals flying in space ships had such potential of becoming a AAA title, not to take away from it's apparent decency. Animal stabs aside, what do the current game owners out there think?

Viper Snake
August 31st, 2006, 16:43
Well, I think most people (especially at GameFAQs) wish there was an option to use the D-pad to fly instead of the stylus. Maybe when the real action replay for DS comes out, someone will hack it so you can. :D I'm almost used to the stylus, though its just not the same.