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View Full Version : Passcard 3? (thumbs up or down)

August 30th, 2006, 17:05
Hey everyone,

I have been running a Passkey 1 with an M3 SD pack....what do you all think about the Passcard 3? It is good for all firmware right?

Would you say it is better than the Passkeys? I am thinking about getting it so that I don't have this honking thing sticking out of my ds...and I really don't want to take a chance flashing it.

August 30th, 2006, 17:16
And also want to add a question, it is a NoPass device, right?

The Hombrew Hunter
August 30th, 2006, 20:20
Thumbs up, yes, and yes(in that order), it's a NoPass.

August 30th, 2006, 20:42
Thanks a lot, if I decide to chance MMD, I may buy PassCard 3 also. MMP has the sleep problem.
By the way, is the power usage of all NoPass the same? If its not, which one is the best as for power usage?

September 1st, 2006, 06:17
Supposedly, if you connect DS pins 1 and 7 (using foil taped on or something) it corrects the sleep stutter with the Max Media Launcher.

September 1st, 2006, 09:53
Not worth it, the price of the tin foil is too much for max media :-[

September 1st, 2006, 10:18
The best is the superkey by supercard is a nopass and compatible with all yes all.

The Hombrew Hunter
September 1st, 2006, 12:14
Superkey and Passcard 3 are the same thing, Acid.

September 1st, 2006, 15:21
Hey Hunter,

Can you just clarify that? You're saying Superkey and Passcard 3 are the same thing?

Do you mean they do the same thing or they're identical products with 2 different names?

Cheers, mate.


September 1st, 2006, 17:15
Passkey 3 works great.

September 1st, 2006, 17:51
Sweet....I ordered one to check it out! I am sick of the big pass key 1 sticking out of my ds

September 1st, 2006, 18:54
Hey Hunter,

Can you just clarify that? You're saying Superkey and Passcard 3 are the same thing?

Do you mean they do the same thing or they're identical products with 2 different names?

Cheers, mate.


=> identical products with 2 different names

The Hombrew Hunter
September 1st, 2006, 20:19
Two diff names.

I'm playing my M3 right nbow. So hooooot....

September 1st, 2006, 20:45
Superkey and Passcard 3 are the same thing, Acid.
Same programing different companies and the compatibilities for the super key is better. Not because i have it but because i have bouth and all 3 major cards not talking out of mi ass trust me its a better product. I'm not downing passcard 3 its there best product for that company but over all superkey wins then again your just a flash away from not needing aether. LOL

September 14th, 2006, 15:15
Well, after doing lots of careful research I decided to get an M3 Adapter and Passcard 3. Works brilliantly and the build quality is clearly superior to the Supercard.

Also, like a lot of people, I greatly suspect that Acidburn05 might be in some way affiliated with Supercard given the obvious and unparalleled bias being lashed across the forums.

Yes, the M3 is more expensive, but you get a better product for your money.


The Hombrew Hunter
September 14th, 2006, 20:33
Well, after doing lots of careful research I decided to get an M3 Adapter and Passcard 3. Works brilliantly and the build quality is clearly superior to the Supercard.

Also, like a lot of people, I greatly suspect that Acidburn05 might be in some way affiliated with Supercard given the obvious and unparalleled bias being lashed across the forums.

Yes, the M3 is more expensive, but you get a better product for your money.


High five, man!

I agree wholeheartedly. To it all.

September 14th, 2006, 20:50
I agree apart from I'd rather flash my DS and use a Supercard :D oh wait I don't agree at all

September 14th, 2006, 21:10
Well, after doing lots of careful research I decided to get an M3 Adapter and Passcard 3. Works brilliantly and the build quality is clearly superior to the Supercard.

Also, like a lot of people, I greatly suspect that Acidburn05 might be in some way affiliated with Supercard given the obvious and unparalleled bias being lashed across the forums.

Yes, the M3 is more expensive, but you get a better product for your money.

A lot of great mines in this forum thats for sure. Now gauge do you own a super card lite. The answer is no. Because you said you chose the m3 over it. Now i have 4 different card and i talk from experience. There is nothing the m3 can do that the super card can do better. Yet the super card can do more things like emulators that the m3 cant. And as far as me working for super card. youd have a better chance at saying i own it. for what i do for a living gets me more money:eek:

September 14th, 2006, 21:35
This is turning into a drama :) HAHAHA

Acid, what do you do for a living?

The Hombrew Hunter
September 14th, 2006, 22:36
Asks me about roms in PMs.

Yeah, he must advertise SUPERCARD for cash. Pfft.

The M3 is better, hands down. Supercard's GBA blows.

September 14th, 2006, 23:49
i like my passcard 3. but since i flashed my DS i dont need it anymore.
The M3 is God!!! :D