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View Full Version : PSP2 Coming March 2007

August 30th, 2006, 19:43

The buzz around the internet is that the PSP2 is coming in March 2007, heres all the details:

Inside the latest PSM mag, Sony is to release a MK2 PSP that will be released first in Japan in March 2007

Also they have reached a deal with Samsung to have built in 8GB Flash Memory, also a video camera/digital camera is to be part of the updated PSP.

What do you think of this latest news, anyone got the magazine ?, we need scans :)

August 30th, 2006, 19:48
reckon they will probs welcome homebrew on that if any as the security will be well up-graded and current firmware updates just keep getting broken so new hardware with improved security method which they took lots of info from how the current psp was hacked would make a much more probable homebrew welcoming console

Mr. Shizzy
August 30th, 2006, 19:48
No, I don't got the mag, but if it's still not up tommorow when I get paid, I'll buy it & put it up. :) Interesting, but if the PSP2 isn't hackable I'll just stick with my PSP1.

August 30th, 2006, 19:52
No, I don't got the mag, but if it's still not up tommorow when I get paid, I'll buy it & put it up. :) Interesting, but if the PSP2 isn't hackable I'll just stick with my PSP1.
well they wont be able to abandon the psp1 anyway not without lots and lots of very angry people so i dont see many reasons to get the new one unless they make a official dev kit which makes full speed more compatable emulators a reality but of course iso loaders would be gone:rolleyes: on that psp atleast

August 30th, 2006, 20:04
Knowing sony, if they were to give it any homebrew support at all it would probably be very limited, and any sort of emulator or iso loader would definitely be out of the question. How would nintendo react if sony decided to LET people run roms of old nintendo games on it's system. That would be total legal mahem.

August 30th, 2006, 20:04
is it going to have PSP2 only games, or is it just gonna be a pimped out psp, like the Tapwave zodiac 1 dn 2, if you had the right stuff you had no reason to spend the extra 100

August 30th, 2006, 20:04
so its not a full reincarnation with updated CPU/GPU? just has internal storage/camera while the psp1 has these external.

Basically a DS Lite but this update blocks homebrew

August 30th, 2006, 20:20
Knowing sony, if they were to give it any homebrew support at all it would probably be very limited, and any sort of emulator or iso loader would definitely be out of the question. How would nintendo react if sony decided to LET people run roms of old nintendo games on it's system. That would be total legal mahem.
i dont see why this should happen as long as sony dont release a nes emulator or sumthing its absolutly no diffrent than what people are already doing.....do you see sony,nintendo, or sega sueing microsoft because there is emulators for their systems running on windows alls sony have to do is give the people hombrew but keep themselves safe by blocking iso features ever emerging but not getting involved because to be honest hombrew without emulaors would be a very dry place i know some games are cool but not really what i would be arsed playin for hours

August 30th, 2006, 20:26
It'll take some time for homebrew to appear on this no doubt, I bet sony wil have really sorted themselfs out on this :(

It best not have new umd's or whats the point in the PSP 1 ??? I havent had it a year yet!

August 30th, 2006, 20:27
what about backwards capabilities

August 30th, 2006, 20:29
8gb flash memory? that would be too good to be true.....

imagine how much a psp with that in would cost !

August 30th, 2006, 20:32
This basically sounds like what GPH did with the GP2X. They did a MKII version of their system. This is more than likely not going to have any compatability issues. Also I'm sure that there is not going to be any difference in the firmware. So having it run homebrew would more than likely be the same as it is now.

August 30th, 2006, 20:43
I got the Sept. mag... I didn't see anything like that. Should be getting the next one tomorrow I think.

August 30th, 2006, 21:45
UMD's for b/w compatability prob
and the ps1 emu will prob b helped along with the
¡8gb! memory

August 30th, 2006, 21:52
could just be an updated psp with secret codes on the internal storage that wont allow to run homebrew what so ever thats all ill stick with my 1.5 psp.

August 30th, 2006, 22:22
It Like I Said In A Diff. Thread, $800.00 Get ready To Be SPENT! MUHAHAHA!!!

August 30th, 2006, 22:27
Guys it is exactly a psp... but with camera and 8 gb hard drive

thats it

if you want this.. buy the cam attachment and buy an 8gb mem stick

the firmware for this is the same as the firmware for the psps we have right now

they will use the same stuff.. so both are just as hard to hack

all umds will work for all of them

August 30th, 2006, 22:31
woah, sony are really trying to scrape every penny from our pockets, i mean... with the mylo, cmon i mean how pathetic...

August 30th, 2006, 22:32
This is simply a redesign of the PSP. Nothing new will be added aside from an 8GB Flash Memory and a Camera. At least those are the plans right now. It should also launch for around $500 USD to be comparable in price to some of the game phones that are coming out.

To sum up:
-Not a new PSP but a remodel. Think DS Lite on steroids.
-No compatibility issues.
-Enhanced PS3 compatibility.

August 30th, 2006, 22:43
fu#$%#@$%#$@^#@$^!!!! of course its too soon to release a psp2!!! gu@!@%^$#@

August 30th, 2006, 22:44
i tought the psp filesystem could handle only up to 4 gb ???.

August 30th, 2006, 23:00
damn sony damn!!!

August 30th, 2006, 23:06
all right for the camera,
but a flash memory like 8 G ! ! !:confused:
how many video,mp3,photo I have to put inside?
I mean...I hope 8 giga is for run application or else...(homebrew, iso loader....)
are you guys sure psp2 run with current firmware:confused:

August 30th, 2006, 23:07
So much for all of that denying that there is going to be a new PSP and a price drop. When the come out with this new one the PSP1's have got to drop in price. I would be so happy if Sony actually sold this for a reasonable price.

August 30th, 2006, 23:12
the psp2 will run 2.8 or what ever the newest firmware is when it comes out

August 30th, 2006, 23:20
the psp2 will run 2.8 or what ever the newest firmware is when it comes out
Well no body knows what sony will do i think they will probably not use the same firm ware as to much is already known about the security and files so i feel that they will make a new firmware for the new psp(two) lol its not a new psp just updated so sony like to spell it instead lol

ohhhh and the fact it has diffrent features proves they will need diffrent firmwares they may have similar features but the one with camera built in and that must have specific drivers for that musnt it

August 30th, 2006, 23:54
maybe it would be like the 'devil' mobo of psp. Same firmware, different hardware. So, they can avoid homebrew with the same firmware!

August 30th, 2006, 23:59
man i know this one is gonna cost a lot more.
Hopefully it won't come out until later so i can save up.

August 31st, 2006, 00:16
I wonder how the layout(controls) will be different, if it is..

August 31st, 2006, 00:19
Currently, yes it only supports 4gb. But Sony understands the beauty of firmware updates, and the PSP has a USB port... Which means, they can update the software to do and support anything, and you can stick just about anything into the USB port... So the PSP can grow into anything with the right firmware updates. Including supporting higher capacity Memory Sticks.

I'm a sucker for re-designs... Even if I know I'm getting ripped off :)

Probably get it, but definently keep my PSP1.
Won't have any issues with either a re-design or a completely new PSP, so long as I can shove a game into both of them and play multiplayer, like the Phat and Lite DS's.

August 31st, 2006, 00:29
Isn't this just the old rumour that was going around for ages resurrected in some magazine?

August 31st, 2006, 00:33
this news sux cuz i jus baught a psp 2 weeks ago.

the one and only
August 31st, 2006, 00:58
>.< sony suck, they say "quick buy our awesome new console" then say "ha ha u stupid person we are releasing a new one, dont u wish u ignored us"
it'll be a cold day in hell before i buy another sony product

August 31st, 2006, 01:02
:D Yes it`s old rumors, and it's sucks

August 31st, 2006, 01:05
Sony really are making a bad move, if the wanna release another PSP wait another year and improve graphics and other features...

and there WILL be a change in firmware...

...Cuz they will NOT let homebrew work on the mk2 PSP because they know wot it will lead to, ISO Piracy and the exploitation of the 8GB for homebrew purposes, sorry to have a go to most but I can't see this been as popular as any handheld, PSP1 should hopefully carry on especially in the homebrew scene cuz I dont want the coders here moving to another system and wasting their time...

Christ theres 2 PSP's already, as you know with the differnet motherboards, I think PSP2 will have yet another motherboard to stop homebrew

August 31st, 2006, 01:16
What's with all the whining about a new PSP model? What's the matter with you guys? You can all easily live with the fact that you might actually prefer the old model.

It's not like you're going to miss out on anything.

August 31st, 2006, 01:16
Another anti-Sony news.. I just don't get it.. Someone said Sony ripped their money.. After Mylo (I don't think you'll buy Mylo), and why buy their product (again) if you're feeling cheated and fooled ? Stay away. Run.. Run..

It's just a re-design.. Nintendo do it all the time.. This is me, I owned original gameboy (grey), gameboy color (transparent), GBA (blue - without backlight) and then just about 6 months in posession there's GBA with light.. Oh how I'm pissed off.. I bought SP (lightblue) and then just a couple of month there's SP with better screen.. I'm pissed again. Heck, the moment I'm gonna buy DS there's DSlite.. I don't want to be pissed off again by Nintendo.

That's why I switched to PSP. If story would happen again, at least I'm used to it. At least I'm not gonna get punk'd by the same company again. But imho, it's just a rumor but you're not being fair already.

I'm happy with my PSP more than those handful of GBAs. And that's the end of the story.

August 31st, 2006, 01:24
Yer I mean we really gotta look at what were here for :D

We're here for emulation, so instead of everyone going 'OMG! A NEW PSP! I MUST HAVE IT! FOR I LOVE PSP!',

Most people here will be saying 'But homebrew? What about the Homebrew?!?!?'

I love the PSP, I would have shed the dough for one even if I couldn't play Doom on it, SNES on it, N64 on it, etc etc... Don't get me wrong, it's awesome!

The PSP bought me to Homebrew, not the other way around, so when I hear of a PSP redesign, regardless of homebrew... I can't Farking wait to get one! :D

August 31st, 2006, 01:28
Hope it supports homebrew or im not getting one.

August 31st, 2006, 02:12
Yer I mean we really gotta look at what were here for :D

We're here for emulation, so instead of everyone going 'OMG! A NEW PSP! I MUST HAVE IT! FOR I LOVE PSP!',

Most people here will be saying 'But homebrew? What about the Homebrew?!?!?'

I love the PSP, I would have shed the dough for one even if I couldn't play Doom on it, SNES on it, N64 on it, etc etc... Don't get me wrong, it's awesome!

The PSP bought me to Homebrew, not the other way around, so when I hear of a PSP redesign, regardless of homebrew... I can't Farking wait to get one! :D

finally! someone who says it like it is! Yes, I have my PSP for homebrew, but I don't mind playing commercial games on it every once in a while. And just think, with 8GB of internal memory, surfing the internet will be a lot easier without it crashing all the time.

And hey, I was planning on buying another PSP to play my commercial games anyways. This way, I can have both versions.

And if you guys like to trash-talk Sony so much, why don't you just go and buy a GP2X? That way, you don't have to complain about firmware updates.

August 31st, 2006, 02:17
If it's kackable, I'll get it! :D

August 31st, 2006, 03:12
itll be just as hackable as current psps!

they will have same firmware.. only varing is the old psps the camera attaches and its a memo stick... and the new its internal cam. and hard drive... itll be barely dif.. like ta 082.. to the origional.. and the ta 082 is being hakced

August 31st, 2006, 04:00
i bettin its gonaa be a little upgraded like the slim ps2

August 31st, 2006, 07:51
If they are going to keep compatibility, then it's ok. If not, I would consider they are trying to kill the actual PSP. This will not make fun PSP owners. In the other hands, I don't think that actual developers who bought the PSP devkit would buy a next devkit for a new console in case the new PSP is backwards incompatible, so maybe the new PSP would have less developmenst. Or maybe Sony would give for free the new devkit to those developers.

I wish I were Sherlock Holmes.

August 31st, 2006, 07:55
I still dont see a new one coming out so soon with such little time.

August 31st, 2006, 09:09
Will it support Memory Stick? 8gb internal and 4 external, 12 gb of homebrew goodness :P

August 31st, 2006, 09:39
Will it support Memory Stick? 8gb internal and 4 external, 12 gb of homebrew goodness :P
If that was to be the case sign me up.:D

August 31st, 2006, 10:56
I say to hell with it.
The psp has only been out in the uk for a year.
and unless sony are going to give us a free upgrade or at least 70% off ^^ I won't be getting it.

August 31st, 2006, 13:19
i hope the psp2 is just a little update, not a new handheld with psp2-only games.

August 31st, 2006, 13:39
probably fake. theres so many rumours about "psp2" and other junk. what soon are there gonna be rumours about a "DS2?" :p

August 31st, 2006, 15:11
It'll take some time for homebrew to appear on this no doubt, I bet sony wil have really sorted themselfs out on this :(

It best not have new umd's or whats the point in the PSP 1 ??? I havent had it a year yet!

Having the memory built in, Sony can install protections measures that deny write access to certain file types. Something that they aren't able to do on the PSP1.

Imagine how pissed off people would get if they realized they couldn't use their PSP a backup unit to place files from one computer during a reformat? (I have used the PSP about three times for this purpose)

Having the memory internal and something that the end user didn't have to spend more money on (figuratively speaking; the PSP2 will obviously be more money than a PSP1, but the end user didn't physically go out and buy a memory stick since its built in) would, as Sony probably sees it, gives them the right to control the information that gets put on it.

And I can gurantee thats what Sony would do, if PSP2 is indeed true.

August 31st, 2006, 15:44
maybe it will be more powerful. it would be excellent if we could emulate dreamcast on it. and it would be cool if they put a proper d-pad and anolog this time.

August 31st, 2006, 17:01
I think this is BS. If it was true then it will be on sony's website.

August 31st, 2006, 17:05
But if they are trying to hide it? As I said in another thread about this, the public backlash of not being able to run PSP2 games on a PSP1 system would be immense.

Waiting won't reduce it, but people will have less time to complain if sony keeps it under wraps until the day it launches.

August 31st, 2006, 17:11
If this is true and games become no longer playable on my current psp i will be well pissed off as will be thousands of people.

August 31st, 2006, 19:44
dont worry, some head sony guy said in an interview that they had NO current plans of making a psp2. then again i read, via the same web page, that an article in psm said to watch for a psp2 with built-in camera and 8 gb flash memory from samsung. it will, supposebly, have the same graphics and power as the previous model so who knows.

August 31st, 2006, 21:26
If this is true and games become no longer playable on my current psp i will be well pissed off as will be thousands of people.
make that millions the psp has sold alot lol and if a new one comes out with a better cpu and gpu i will buy it cause it will get hacked imagine gamecube on psp :eek:

August 31st, 2006, 22:22
dont worry, some head sony guy said in an interview that they had NO current plans of making a psp2. then again i read, via the same web page, that an article in psm said to watch for a psp2 with built-in camera and 8 gb flash memory from samsung. it will, supposebly, have the same graphics and power as the previous model so who knows.

Yeah, but everytime this rumor has come up, he has said the same thing. And again and again this rumor pops up, more refined than last time.

Behind every rumor there is a shred of truth...

August 31st, 2006, 22:31
make that millions the psp has sold alot lol and if a new one comes out with a better cpu and gpu i will buy it cause it will get hacked imagine gamecube on psp :eek:

lol gamecube wouldnt even be able to be emulated on a ps3.