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View Full Version : Bruce Lua

September 2nd, 2006, 17:13
Firstly sorry for the pun Bruce Lua. Ok then this is my first LUA game its taken me about a week and a half to get it where it is now and I hope to make it mutch better because at the moment only the training works, but soon I would like to develope it more into like a side scrolling beat-em up or something along those lines.
In the training you are Bruce Lee located at the shaolin temple and you have to smash the boards one by one, using differant moves, with a couple of words of wisdom from Bruce Lee as you go.
Well thats about it, one thing thoe make sure that his fist or foot (depending on if your kicking or punching) is actualy touching the board or nothing will happen. I hope you all like it and if possiable please give some feed back.
Note: Its in EBOOT form so no need to put it on the LUA player just put it straight in the GAME folder.
Here are some screens:

Hungry Horace
September 2nd, 2006, 18:19
aww - you mean it's not based on the awesome ZX Speccy / C64 game `Bruce Lee`? :(

September 2nd, 2006, 21:28
looks good

September 3rd, 2006, 09:12

September 3rd, 2006, 09:29
Hey, thats pretty cool. The sprites look like the genesis game. Keep it up!

September 3rd, 2006, 10:52
Thanks all, does anyone have any ideas for improvements?

September 4th, 2006, 16:48
looks nice

September 4th, 2006, 16:54
Looks great man...like the approach.I'll soon be testing this.

The title screen is frikkin sweet! I'm into teh old school kinda stuff...looks MKesque too!

also, I think any Fei Long sprites would look way better than the Dragon sprites...but, hey it's your game.

One thing...make that black outline on the boards more of a light brown, or a color that resembles the board's texture color...black just looks way to strong of a contrast on it, making the board look out of place with the rest of the game's visuals.

BTW, can you make him fight Chuck Norris or Kareem Abduul Jabbar at some point? lol.

September 4th, 2006, 17:14
aww - you mean it's not based on the awesome ZX Speccy / C64 game `Bruce Lee`? :(

Livin' in the 80's! ;) (for the record I preferred the Speccy version hands down! - I probably still have the tape too!) :rolleyes: As for the quote in your sig - There has never been (and probably never will be) any games greater than the Manic Miner series!!! :p

Great first game PSPKOR :D The graphics are really nice :) Love the title too ;)

September 4th, 2006, 18:13
Cheers, I'll get back into it soon but started back at college today so it'll have to wait till the weekend.

But on a little note if anyone is interested, I started working on the actual game part yesterday and he now can fight with Ryu, but Ryu has very basic A.I. at the moment, hopefully it will get better as I get better at coding.

And Apoklpez I did think about Fei Long but wanted him to actualy be Bruce Lee or as close as I could get.