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View Full Version : Bored with psp

September 3rd, 2006, 02:01
I've had a 1.5 psp for quite a few monthes now and I'm starting to get bored. I was really excited for the gba emu gpsp, i played with that alot. I've been using devhook to uhhh play the uhhhh newest legally bought umds...and i have to say, the psp isnt made for psp games. I'm uhhh ordering xmen-2 from the internet now, i hope thats good. Even games that ign.com gave high scores, i dont really like. Although if you guys want a solid game pick up valkeryie profile lenneth. i beat that one. but anyway back to what i was talking about. Does anyone have any good suggestions for games, or roms, or something that will keep my attention for a long span of time.

September 3rd, 2006, 02:08
final fantasy tactics advance.

unless you already played that. best gba game imo.

September 3rd, 2006, 02:15
thank you thats exactly what im looking for

2 more things, in case you guys didnt know for the most part homebrew games suck, like throttlex, that can hold my attention for about 5 minutes

and if anyone could pm me a site where you browse gba games that would be excellent, i seem to have forgotten where i uhhhhhhhhhh buy my gba games for psp.

September 3rd, 2006, 02:17
i'm playing Valkyre Profile Lenneth right now, freakin' sweet game :D

September 3rd, 2006, 02:18
yep real fun

btw by games i mean psp games if you didnt get the idea

i know a guy who gives me any psp game free...

heres what ive played and dont like
syphon filter
untold legends
untold legends 2
socom 2
twisted metal
prince of persia
madden 06
need for speed
from russia with love

games i liked
valk profile
katamari damacy
(waiting for "the guy" to give me xmen 2, i think ill like it)

September 3rd, 2006, 02:29
my bro's playin burnout right now lol

ohh and splinter cell essentials is a pretty good game, i was playin that earlier

September 3rd, 2006, 02:30
wow, you can keep me in a room with 4 white walls with nothing but a psp (charging of course) and keep me occupied for YEARS! if your into music use ir shell to listen to music while playing a umd, here are good games

attack of the mutants
Beats Of Rage (BoR)
PSP Revolution (DDR)
Duke Nukem
Scorched Earth

September 3rd, 2006, 02:33
lol i beg to differ

attack of the mutants was a game that got so much hype. Guess what...its space invaders

Also that game pang, so simple, but everyone said it was amazing

September 3rd, 2006, 03:00
cmon people suggestions are needed for this thread to become an ultimate haven for fun and interesting games roms and apps for the playstation portable :)

AvengedSevenfold Fan
September 3rd, 2006, 03:03
i pmed u

September 3rd, 2006, 03:07
well if you notice in my sig i kinda have this thread in it. everyone else has a thread in theirs, i thought this would be a wonderful ones. no thread actually tells you whats fun, just how to use boring shit that no one cares about

September 3rd, 2006, 03:11
blah I'm bored with my useless psp. I should have gotten a nintedo ds when I had the chance so many great games coming out for it and the little flashcard thing would be nice too lol anyways try playing gbc or something that's always fun...for a bit at least....

September 3rd, 2006, 03:14
hah i have every gbc game known to man on my gbc.

sorry to hate but the ds actually puts out quality ds games. ive looked at their homebrew, not so good. i wish i could play online mario kart, new mario brothers, castlevania, hell even nintendogs. so much more fun than any psp game besides like gta

September 3rd, 2006, 03:19
I like super mario war. Do you like sports games?

September 3rd, 2006, 03:22
yes i loveeee madden for ps2 and fifa and winning eleven, it just doesnt work for psp

September 3rd, 2006, 03:30
by the way im trying out the super mario war, looks cool i guess, i hope im not dissapointed like with GODDAMN ATTACK OF THE MUTANTS :)

September 3rd, 2006, 03:43
yep im finished with that game already

nice graphics
buttttt soooo 1 dimensional

September 3rd, 2006, 03:44
wow aotm OWNS, your only hope is lua games or emulators or BACKUPS!

September 3rd, 2006, 03:45
play 4 player SMW in survival mode, so fun

September 3rd, 2006, 03:46
ive been extremley bored with my psp latley too, of course its now a 2.80 thanks to sony for "fixing" it. hmm..myabe i should get a ds lite ...

September 3rd, 2006, 03:48
lol, try Dr. Sudoku for the gba :)

September 3rd, 2006, 03:49
for a good time, u should really, uuuuhh, "order" the new ultimate ghosts n goblins, its pretty sweet.

September 3rd, 2006, 04:04
ooooo excellent i didnt know it was out yet

i think ill uhhhh run out to the uhh store right now

September 3rd, 2006, 04:07
i really like where this thread is going by the way

when enough people jump on the bandwagon i inteand to make an ever changing "good psp stuff, bad psp stuff" chart

I want a 20 page thread to my name!

September 3rd, 2006, 04:07
yep real fun

btw by games i mean psp games if you didnt get the idea

i know a guy who gives me any psp game free...

heres what ive played and dont like
syphon filter
untold legends
untold legends 2
socom 2
twisted metal
prince of persia
madden 06
need for speed
from russia with love

games i liked
valk profile
katamari damacy
(waiting for "the guy" to give me xmen 2, i think ill like it)
A guy that gives games out for free. Sounds interesting :rolleyes:

Hungry Horace
September 3rd, 2006, 04:13
if your stugling to find interesting things to do with your PSP i feel quite sorry for you.... mine gets so much love cos it does so much good stuff!

PSPSpectrum (the zx spectrum emulator) could keep me going alone, and the "roms" - which arent roms at all but tape images - are only about 30-70 K in size!!

some classic games include;

hungry horace, horace goes skiing, horace and the spiders, manic miner, jet-set willy, gauntlet (best version ever!), skooldaze, bak 2 skool, contact sam cruise, saboteur, aboteur 2, fairlight, cookie, jetpac, cybernoid, exolon, dan dare, mask 3, robin o the wood, heartland, trantor, great escape, knight tyme, finders keepers, bruce lee, game over, ant attack, bounder, nonterraquaos, chuckie egg, enduro racer, i-ball 2,. lazerzone, nones of yesod, starion, thanatos, turbo esprit, way of the exploding fist, zynaps........

thankfully games were actually a a challenge back then, so they should keep you going a long time

most of these are LEGAL to download from http://worldofspectrum.org - since i still own my original tapes i have copies of all the ones listed not on the site :)

and that's just the one emulated 8--bit system!

there's also 1001 Amiga games to play on pspuae, gameboy games (although i only like a handful - Kirby's Pinball Land being a cut above anything else on the system) on Rin , Megadrive on DGen and it would seem *even* the C64 has some good games to play on psp-Vice.

i'm still on emualtors, and havent even begun to list the good commercial PSP games (although i admit there arent too many, but those that are good - are very good!)

still struggling to find abandonware games? look on www.planetemu.net and remember that "telechargement" is french for "download"

September 3rd, 2006, 04:14
yep hah hes so great
he has lots of copies too, all he asks is you share the games with the world!

September 3rd, 2006, 04:18
if your stugling to find interesting things to do with your PSP i feel quite sorry for you.... mine gets so much love cos it does so much good stuff!

PSPSpectrum (the zx spectrum emulator) could keep me going alone, and the "roms" - which arent roms at all but tape images - are only about 30-70 K in size!!

thankfully games were actually a a challenge back then, so they should keep you going a long time

most of these are LEGAL to download from http://worldofspectrum.org - since i still own my original tapes i have copies of all the ones listed not on the site :)

and that's just the one emulated 8--bit system!

there's also 1001 Amiga games to play on pspuae, gameboy games (although i only like a handful - Kirby's Pinball Land being a cut above anything else on the system) on Rin , Megadrive on DGen and it would seem *even* the C64 has some good games to play on psp-Vice.

i'm still on emualtors, and havent even begun to list the good commercial PSP games (although i admit there arent too many, but those that are good - are very good!)

still struggling to find abandonware games? look on www.planetemu.net and remember that "telechargement" is french for "download"

yes yes i bought my 200 dollar psp and 2gb mem stick to play 20 year old games. listen im 16 i like new stuff. i played my dads atari, he has about 50 games, cus i guess like me he got bored as shit after 10 minutes of playng them. i dont really know what this spectrum is but if its on tape haha its pretty old.
im looking for good gba snes and psp stuff. if n64 emu got better id be looking for that. sure old games have their place but i play my psp for the long haul. a system that takes like a minute to start up, i dont wanna be playing games that only entertain me for a minute. i know you might be thinking who cares about this minute. i do, if i wanna play something fast, ill play an old gbc or gb game thank you. 100x100 resolution games, not my cup of tea. i actually do appreciate the input, i just have to say its not what im looking for

September 3rd, 2006, 04:30
megaman zero for the gba is also good :)

Hungry Horace
September 3rd, 2006, 04:32
wow - no wonder your bored of the psp... you really need to learn to appriciate things and try stuff out before slating it regardless.

trust me when i say a lot of these games take a hell of a lot more the 2 minutes of your time - and are a damn site more challenging than any of the rubbish thats been put out on the GBA - expect maybe IK+ which is just a straight port of the amiga version (only not as smooth) anyway. Try completing Jet-Set Willy in 2 minutes.... or an hour... or at all for that matter! these games are classic for a reason - they are f***ing good and thats why "old gits" like me rave on about them... we're not senile just cos we're over 20 you know!

also - i think you should be more careful with your round-about comments about "getting games from people" when it's quite obvious you're downloading them. Im not telling you not to do it - i just wouldnt advertise it so blatently cos some people arent so nice and will like flame you (or worse) for it.

on a side not one of my favourite PSP games at the moment is actually Puzzle Bobble - again - a simple concept that can keep you busy for hours because it keeps the brain ticking over.

September 3rd, 2006, 04:45
once again i reallllly do appreciate the input, but im trying to tell you that i want new stuff, im sure you like these systems because theyre nostalgic to you. and jesus i hope theyre not like intellivision, that crap had like 10 buttons, how would that even work.

and i dont think any flaming will occur. i bet most people have at least downloaded one bit of free music. that is actually punishable, while other forms of "illegal" downloading have yet to come under fire.

but anyway, id say with a succesful franchise like mario, nintendo is gonna put out better mario games than any jet set willy could ever be. theres no way these old games can entertain me for a while, think about it, theres no way they have a story, and theres no way their gameplay varies more than the number of enemies on the screen at one time. variety is the spice of life. thats why that wario wares game was one of the best piece of entertainment ive ever used

September 3rd, 2006, 04:49
i dont mean to flame at all butttt

one of my real big pet peeves are people that say "this is the best because its the oldest"

"the original star wars trilogy is the best because theres no expensive special effects to mess with the storyline"

nah the special effects are the best part, the story doesnt change it all, the newer release 4,5,6 are much better.

people think theyre the shit cus they "appreciate" classic literature, movies, plays, and in this case games.

i hope you truly truly enjoy these games ,and are not sounding like an arrogant shit who just likes to sound knowledgeable, i think youre the first

Hungry Horace
September 3rd, 2006, 04:49
nintendo is gonna put out better mario games than any jet set willy could ever be.

lol!!! you poor poor fool!

fair enough that's the way you feel, but that's so naive it's brilliant.

and no - it's not just nostalgia - some of these games i've only just discovered.... i guess you might appriciate them when your older. i hope for your sake you do.

edit: OMG you actually think that's why the SE star wars films are hated? dont even get me started on this one.

September 3rd, 2006, 04:57
heh at least i made your sig, idk i dont think many people of heard of jet set willy, maybe im wrong

i dont really like star wars so that was a bad analogy, but i just dont like people who think classics are ALWAYS superior to updates

unfortunatly that quote makes me look like a nintendo fanboy, which i cant say i am. i dont own a ds or most mario games. i just think 35 highly trained japanese coders make better games than the one guy in his garage that made jet set willy

Hungry Horace
September 3rd, 2006, 05:06
i just think 35 highly trained japanese coders make better games than the one guy in his garage that made jet set willy

therein lies the problem! (new sig. quote above? maybe!)

gotta sleep - but to leave i will remind you of this:

You must unlearn what you have learned ;)

September 3rd, 2006, 05:31
Check your inbox, i suggested a few games.

September 3rd, 2006, 05:31
OK now that I know that you're 16 I have found something that you may be interested in. For the gba emulator play a little bit of backyard baseball. It doesn't have all of the features that the computer version does but it is still a great game. Don't play 2006 or 2007 though because those are 3d and that isn't backyard baseball to me.

September 3rd, 2006, 05:48
thanks for all the suggestions you guys

mavs i gotta say i thought backyard sports games were for real young kids. it was all the rave when i was in 5th grade. i have adult tastes in video games heh, thanks anyway though :)

September 3rd, 2006, 07:48
hated tekken?

whoa..... ur one unique kid....

new releases will come if were gona talk about commercial psp games...

Metal Gear pro ops - this should be a good one... Metal Gear acid was above average to me

Ace combat? - have you seen the snapshots of this game from another thread?? oh my god.....

Winning eleven? u said u love the game on ps2, the hell i have tons of friends wanting to borrow my psp just to play winning eleven.....

September 3rd, 2006, 15:17
well winning 11 is a good game its just i dont know anyone with a psp so i cant play it when them. on ps2 i play with my friends which is much more fun. ace combat games are never fun haha, and metal gear ill probably like..if they make the controls right

September 3rd, 2006, 15:21
well winning 11 is a good game its just i dont know anyone with a psp so i cant play it when them. on ps2 i play with my friends which is much more fun. ace combat games are never fun haha, and metal gear ill probably like..if they make the controls right

Man your sig is huge better change it before ya get busted lol.

September 3rd, 2006, 15:32
Man your sig is huge better change it before ya get busted lol.

damn i didnt know. its not THAT big, urg i have to open up photoshop to resize it, and that always crashes my computer :mad:

September 3rd, 2006, 15:42
damn i didnt know. its not THAT big, urg i have to open up photoshop to resize it, and that always crashes my computer :mad:

There are tons of alternatives to photoshop that are free. In fact I just installed one yesterday to make a PSP background. Here's a link with a bunch of free software so you shouldn't have to buy anything unless it's very rare to a specific piece of hardware: http://100-downloads.com/ Just go under imagin and you'll see a bunch. I just downloaded PhotoFiltre and it works great. Hope that helps.

September 3rd, 2006, 15:43
thanks thanks

i wanna get a cool photoshop made sig, ill work on that later.

anyway i think this thread should go back on topic

xmen2 just arrived at my house, im trying it out as we speak.

September 3rd, 2006, 16:30
Lumines is addictive depends on how good you are to see how long it'll last you I last about an hour each time I play also megaman powered up is awesome but it's megaman 1 remake so might not be for you but has great replay value cause of all the unlockables and challenges and the fun create a stage mode

September 3rd, 2006, 16:41
if your stugling to find interesting things to do with your PSP i feel quite sorry for you.... mine gets so much love cos it does so much good stuff!

PSPSpectrum (the zx spectrum emulator) could keep me going alone, and the "roms" - which arent roms at all but tape images - are only about 30-70 K in size!!

some classic games include;

hungry horace, horace goes skiing, horace and the spiders, manic miner, jet-set willy, gauntlet (best version ever!), skooldaze, bak 2 skool, contact sam cruise, saboteur, aboteur 2, fairlight, cookie, jetpac, cybernoid, exolon, dan dare, mask 3, robin o the wood, heartland, trantor, great escape, knight tyme, finders keepers, bruce lee, game over, ant attack, bounder, nonterraquaos, chuckie egg, enduro racer, i-ball 2,. lazerzone, nones of yesod, starion, thanatos, turbo esprit, way of the exploding fist, zynaps........

thankfully games were actually a a challenge back then, so they should keep you going a long time

most of these are LEGAL to download from http://worldofspectrum.org - since i still own my original tapes i have copies of all the ones listed not on the site :)

and that's just the one emulated 8--bit system!

there's also 1001 Amiga games to play on pspuae, gameboy games (although i only like a handful - Kirby's Pinball Land being a cut above anything else on the system) on Rin , Megadrive on DGen and it would seem *even* the C64 has some good games to play on psp-Vice.

i'm still on emualtors, and havent even begun to list the good commercial PSP games (although i admit there arent too many, but those that are good - are very good!)

still struggling to find abandonware games? look on www.planetemu.net and remember that "telechargement" is french for "download"
I would add head over heels thats my favorite speccy game im 16 also but I can apreciate great games

September 3rd, 2006, 17:04
yea im trying to get the megaman games for psp, but they dont sell them where i look...

September 3rd, 2006, 18:01
my rant today

IRshell, overhyped, i think so. Ok so you can listen to your music in your games, why would you wanna do that. games have music for a reason. if that isnt enough reason not to use that feature of irshell, who has a 20gb psp ms, not me. mine is 2gbs and i use it for games, which tend to take up a lot of space. im not gonna waste my space on my mp3s that i already have on my mp3. i never use my psp for music of movies....just games, which is why i made this thread, cus im getting bored of the games out there.

another thing. devhook. Devhook is one of the greatest programs ever made for psp...but people on this site cant admit that. guess what dark_alex doesnt use the only umd version of devhook, neither does booster. they made these things for piracy so dont praise them as gods and say other people who pirate are terrible people.

Hungry Horace
September 3rd, 2006, 23:26
I would add head over heels thats my favorite speccy game im 16 also but I can apreciate great games

good choice... i still had to leave many out, and didnt even start an amiga list!

you give me faith in todays gaming youth jrsmaster411 :)

September 4th, 2006, 18:10
well another day and another slew of games.

the mega game is not bad i must say, ill probably order the other one shortly. thats about it

leave more suggestions :)

September 4th, 2006, 19:37
one Game I always find my self going back to and playing is Rock and Roll Racing for the Genesis or SNES. not sure why but its pretty damn fun. as for some current psp commercial games I played Ys its was pretty fun the load times can suck but it I liked it. also I have a bunch of friends who play monster hunter. oh yeah and also for genesis there is Phantasy star 4 I like that one too. I am trying to get it to work on my PSP right now

September 4th, 2006, 20:01
hmm whats Y's

never heard of that

I guess ill try this monster hunter

its for psp right?

September 7th, 2006, 05:32
since you really don't appreciate the oldies your best chance is commercial or n64 emu

i'm 14 and love atari 5200

September 7th, 2006, 08:23
14 and in love with Atari 5200.. seemed like an early symptom of Oedipus complex.. :D joke..

I don't really have any games to suggest you right now.. I've been sort of like that before.. Bored with games and hard to find ones worthy enough to catch my attention.. Literary stopped playing games for about 1,5 year.. Game that brough me back was Final Fantasy X..

September 9th, 2006, 19:43
damn it this isnt going anywhere now a days


October 22nd, 2006, 16:35
still nothing is good for psp
damn itttt
i wish i could get pmp streamer to work at least