View Full Version : MunchiToy being ported on iPad!

November 14th, 2010, 20:54
News via http://studioplatinum.drunkencoders.com/2010/11/07/munchitoy-being-ported-on-ipad/

Munchi is getting along with its new friends, Contacts and Settings.
Recently, StudioPlatinum announced a MunchiToy iOS release back in July well its now in development progress and will be released sometime in 2011. it will have the same features of the original MunchiToy but we will add WiFi support and hopefully GameCenter and Openfeint.

We have come to a decision at StudioPlatinum, that the iOS version of this application will be officially called—

MunchiToy HD

We will update you on more updates on our MunchiToy Projects!