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View Full Version : Let's boycott Sony firmware upgrading!

September 4th, 2006, 08:14
OK, a while ago I received an email from a friend in Uruguay complaining about cell phone companies charging too much for their service... It was a chain letter telling all the users of the 3 major companies to turn their phones off for a whole day on August 1st. He said, if the people in the United States and in Argentina did it, why can't they do it? It did not work though, because either they ignored the email, the email didn't get to enough people (Internet access is very damn expensive there, I remember only 1 hour of <56k back when I was 12... :( ), or they couldn't have it off for a whole day... So then I was thinking, why can't we do something similar for our cause? Let's NOT upgrade our PSP's! Tell everyone you know to not do it, and explain to them what homebrew can do... See the guy I mentioned in my other post (http://www.dcemu.co.uk/vbulletin/showthread.php?p=208161&posted=1#post208161)? I'll give him a letter when I go back to school saying all of this. Let's FORCE Sony to officially support it. I mean, I'm sure they're smart enough to develop some mechanism to prevent the spreading of warez and viruses... So, what do you all say? :) Don't see this as a lost cause, UNITY MEANS STRENGTH!!!

September 4th, 2006, 08:17
that would not work cause idiots would upgrade anyway so they could play the precious comercial games.........
(i mean, of course, for games like monster hunter freedom 2 and GTA:VCS)

September 4th, 2006, 08:23
yeah, i also doubt that would work :(

September 4th, 2006, 08:37
Most people here don't upgrade anyways, so . . .

September 4th, 2006, 09:17
That's.. what exactly I am doing.. Uh, not only I boycotted by not doing any upgrade.. I also down-graded ! Take that, Sony !!

September 4th, 2006, 09:18
what good will that do? if Sony can't accept the fact that we want our homebrew (it's been abt a year since the psp was released i think), even by boycotting their upgrades 2 things happen

#1 ppl who know nothing will upgrade
#2 $0/\/Y find new ways to try to 'lure' people to upgrade like WOW a new PSone emu i wanna upgrade.

not to mention they've even made ta-082 mobos to make downgrading harder...

September 4th, 2006, 11:28
what about when you are using devhook and stuff, instead of downloading the update(for extracting and emulating) from sony, download it from somewhere else, so they get less hits

and we can all disable our network update icons

September 6th, 2006, 20:57
Hmm... OK, that's right, most PSP owners have no clue what homebrew is... Only if there was a way to let the world know... :confused: I think I'll end up trading mine with that guy's, or maybe wait until that eLoader thing's out... And donne, nice pic! :p