View Full Version : Ultimate Recovery Menu v.2.0 rev.233

November 18th, 2010, 23:19
News via http://www.psp-ita.com/?module=news&id=44440&view_reply=1

New release for Ultimate Recovery Menu v2.0, the alternative to the Recovery Menu created by a quintet of respect: Ceikor,-blue7, Hackman, and Namenloser Total_Noob. This new version is lighter on Flash0 installation, you can set the language between the three available, more convenient function is equipped with backup / restore the original files of Recovery, which can then be easily restored without having to manually change the flash0.
The creators have considerably improved the code that is more powerful at the same time solving some bugs. Among the features introduced by Ultimate Recovery Menu v2.0 include:
- Recovery Flasher: useful option to start if present on a memory stick, the Recovery Flasher in the case of semi-brick;
- System Tool: that will allow you to view detailed system information, backup and restore of the Registry that both Nand;
- Battery Option: To check the battery status and, in models of the PSP that allows it, change the battery in normal pandora or autoboot, and backup and restore dell'EEPROM battery.

Also solved the problem of Fake Region now editable, but still fix some typing errors but do not affect functionality.
It 'important to remember that the compatibility of this modification of Recovery is guaranteed only with a PSP that Montini CF 5.50 (both gen Prometheus).
E 'must be avoided in any case the installation on PSP 2000 TA-088v3 PSP 3000 and, under penalty of brick..
In conclusion, a homebrew that will surely make it more pleasant and immediate recovery of use.
Following installation, repair and use.

.: Changelog:.
- Use vsh gui fix

- Fix support PandoraBattery

Custome-Wave Support (*. gmo Files)
Massage-Box Bug Fix
-New SystemInformation
Plugins-load faster
Performance-optimized Code +
Optimized CPU-settings
Nand-restore "reboot lable" fix
Recovery-size -13.7%

Inglese-Multilanguage, German, French
-Add "EasyInstaller backup restore"

- It 's absolutely prevent installation on TA-088v3 PSP 2000 and 3000, failing which the brick.
- Before installation is highly recommended to use the Make backup made available by the installer Ultimate Recovery Menu, which will restore the old Recovery.
- PSP-ITA assumes no responsibility in case of malfunction of the console due to improper use of the program