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View Full Version : Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded Asian ver.

September 5th, 2006, 06:35
New asian version of this game available at SuccessUK (http://www.superufo.com/?aff_id=24)


Capcom takes a double-dose of classics with a second collection of Capcom's arcade greats. Featuring 19 different games to play, this compilation features games from the console Capcom Classics (including Ghouls 'n Ghosts, and Street Fighter II), plus other classics and lesser-known arcade games such as SONSON, Gun Smoke, King of Dragons, and Knights of the Round.


September 5th, 2006, 07:51
I would buy this if i was at firmware 2.80 but I would have to be a moron! :-) However, it is a nice game to buy if you are on 2.80 and are unfortunate enought o have missed the whole homebrew era. So us 1.50-2.71 users will just get the emulators that support these games and save a good 40 bucks and just play them from our memory stick!

Another stupid attempt from Sony to get us lower users to try to update. Why do you think they keep releasing classics? There thinking this "Well they all cherish homebrew so much right guys? How are going to get them to upgrade? Err i guess the best way is to release classics on UMD, right!?" They have no better option because they CANT make us upgrade if we have a ver. changer and we cant upgrade via devhook your weak Sony

September 5th, 2006, 12:05
I would buy this if i was at firmware 2.80 but I would have to be a moron! :-) However, it is a nice game to buy if you are on 2.80 and are unfortunate enought o have missed the whole homebrew era. So us 1.50-2.71 users will just get the emulators that support these games and save a good 40 bucks and just play them from our memory stick!

Another stupid attempt from Sony to get us lower users to try to update. Why do you think they keep releasing classics? There thinking this "Well they all cherish homebrew so much right guys? How are going to get them to upgrade? Err i guess the best way is to release classics on UMD, right!?" They have no better option because they CANT make us upgrade if we have a ver. changer and we cant upgrade via devhook your weak Sony


September 5th, 2006, 12:45
Capcom has always milked the classics. It has nothing to do with sony. The first classics collection was also released on xbox and ps2. Capcom has also released about a billion different versions of street fighter collections and what not. This is no different. One reason you would buy it is because you are going to play the games you once loved and show your support for capcom. If you have 1.5 firmware and play the cps emulator you can still buy the game and show capcom you appreciate what they've done for all these years.

September 5th, 2006, 14:01
ummm well everything on Capcom Collections Reloaded you can play already on the CPS1 emulator .. who gives a shit about extras?
Just wondering when and if ever that CPS2 will
ever get an update?? I'm hoping it does not end
with Test 5 :(

September 5th, 2006, 23:45
I love CAPCOM. Their games are simply the best. I'm excited about this collection and will buy it when it's out. I've got all these games on emulation, but Capcom will always get's my support and money.

September 6th, 2006, 01:59
geise69-Yes, you are right. But Capcom has to get the OK from Sony to put this game on there platform i'm not 100% wrong and nor are you.

September 6th, 2006, 02:48
yeah im probably getting it but to you mister sony conspiracy moron. i dont think you ve been reading up lately but 2.80 seems prety close to cracked. that and there has always been classic colections out there its not something they just came up with to get us to upgrade. you know the majority of people who own a psp dont use homebrew so i dont think sony would go that in depth into getting us to upgrade. if they add new interesting things to the psp ill upgrade if not then no. but to be all paranoid and think your pulling a fast one or outsmarting sony just shove a corque in it. they gave us an awesome machine you should be grateful. and if you think sony is that much out to get you you should just wrap your psp in tin-foil and get a matching hat while youre at it.