View Full Version : Xtsynth v0.01

November 19th, 2010, 11:08
News via http://www.xbox-scene.com/xbox1data/sep/EkAppFlkAypcMAoaYR.php

'uf' released Xtsynth v0.01:
What it is
A tool to edit xbox 360 [NAND] images. Nothing more, nothing less.
You can inject, extract files, patches and CF slot 2 (xbr/xtcbtr: XF - zeropair only for now)
Yes, it'll probably also work with ***boot, errr, freeboot images.
Oh, and it can also decrypt challenges ("decrypt challenge" option)
Contains bugs, so beware.

Who it's made for
Myself. I really mean it. If you don't like it, don't use it, simple as that.
I read public forums every now and then, so you can throw suggestions out there, which doesn't mean I'll use them. jus' sayin'.