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View Full Version : Have I Lost My Gaming Mojo?

November 25th, 2010, 13:57
Increasingly I'm being frustrated in my attempts to find a game I want to play. In an effort to catch up, I've been using my bog standard Dell laptop to dig out treasures I have missed, such as American McGee's Alice, Grim Fandango and Syberia. I don't often get the time to play games, so I like to have the opportunity to dip in and out of a title without feeling like I'm losing something by not playing it for periods of time. But when I find a title I like, I make the time. Heavy Rain is the last game that gripped me, that truly engaged me and made me want to complete it in a single sitting. I'm tired of the GTA formulas, bored of CoDs and don't have the reaction time to think on my feet for AOE III. Is it about time I tossed in the controller and resigned myself to the fact that the games I want only come out once in a blue moon? Or have I just not found that one great title that will open me up to a brand new genre? Lords of Ultima is going OK at the moment — is there anything of that ilk I've missed? What are your thoughts? Do you stick to a particular genre? Are you finding it harder, as you get more mature, to find something you want to play?

November 27th, 2010, 21:09
I'm finding it harder to find games I want to play, but I mostly blame this gen were all the games are released half made and then developers release patch after patch.

I'm also selling my PS3 cause there are very little exclusives on it that I actually like. Keeping it just to play Killzone 3 and The Last Guardian is just nonsense.

I'm planing to get a Wii, because I think I overlooked a bunch of good titles from the Gamecube and the Wii. I was playing Super Mario Sunshine the other day via Dolphin emulator and I couldn't put it down until 2:30 am.

Haven't had that much fun with a game in a long time.

So yeah, I blame the new half ass, half made games developers are releasing.

I'm also having a blast with COD Black Ops, despite the fact that I got bored with Modern Warfare 2.

Vanquish is pretty good, maybe you should try it, if you haven't yet.

November 29th, 2010, 18:09
Blade runner is a classic 4 the pc if you liked the moive and like point and clicks.

Currently i'm playing pocket empires on my htc (android), suits my busy live at the as you play it for 2-10mins every few hours (or days if your busy). Also Play halo reach when i get time. I bought monkey island and splosion man on the xbla sale last week, but don't know when i will get time to play them.

but try try out some xbla or psn game, some are great (braid, rez, hd trails all come to mind)

November 30th, 2010, 02:47
Just wait until Bioshock Infinite comes out in 2012. Granted we'll all be dead due to the ghosts of Mayan dinosaurs but it'll be worth the wait.

And maybe the death. But probably not.

November 30th, 2010, 18:10
hi Shadowblind long time no see

December 14th, 2010, 13:38
I seem to be finding satisfaction in the PS2 as of recent, because the local game exchange has four PS2 games £4.99 or under for £10 so I've been buying PS2 games as of recent.

There are many awesome games to be found in game exchanges, though I dislike GAME and GameStation for PS2 titles as they have the same games over and over... All the used WWE and soccer titles need to be buried with the E.T. carts from the 80's.