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View Full Version : Need advice/guidance on Upgrading PSP CFW To Latest And Greatest FW

November 27th, 2010, 06:43
Hey guys whats up?? Just hanging out over here. Trying to get done with the last few weeks of school so I can enjoy my xmas break. Anyway I was just wondering on what to do next with my psp. I been so busy with school, and havent had cahcne to mess around with it. Know that schools winding down and I'm going to have some time off next semester I want to get back into it again. The last time I left on on my psp I believe I was on 5.00 M33-6 which I believe was developed by somebody name DAX(Dark Alex) At that time and point I believe that was the latest and greatest for the PSP. Just wondering whats the latest and greatest now? And if theres any significant need to upgrade from what I got or not. Seemed like this one was good compatibility for homebrew and backups so I dont want lose any compatibility if I upgrade but I'm sure whats out there now should a little better since its current. Any help on this would be much appreciated. My psp is psp 1000 the old phat one.Thanks in advance to anyone who can shed some light on this subject.

November 30th, 2010, 09:01
Really nobody?? I used to look up to this site. I dont know any more now days :(

November 30th, 2010, 15:52
Prometheus v.4

Those three are going to be the most, uh, "transparent" CFW experience, in that those three are largely "set and forget", while anything else will likely need hand-patched games, homebrew loaders, etc.

The only main issue going from m33 to GEN is that older homebrew (mostly 1.50 to 2.71 era stuff) simply will not boot.

November 30th, 2010, 20:13
Thanks for the response my good sir. Any good sites for psp homebrew, hacking etc etc you recommend??I use this one for general stuff and a little bit about the homebrew. I use wiihacks for my wii stuff and dsihacks for my ds(although havent got into the ds lite yet)
Any reason why I should or shouldn't update to one of those?? And out of the three you mentioned which is the best for current and older homebrew?? Are all those three you mentioned different custom firmwares? I know at the time the firmware I have 5.00 m33-6 I believe was the latest and greatest firmware. So not sure if there's really any significance to update r not ? Any more help or suggestions would be much appreciated. Thanks for the reply man.

December 2nd, 2010, 01:17
Hey bro is there anything else you suggest?? I take it these three you listed

Prometheus v.4

are all different custom firmwares right?? Which one is the best out of three? Thanks for letting me know whats up though. I'm sure I'll end up with one of those but not sure which.

December 2nd, 2010, 07:16
550GEN-D3 is the firmware.
Those other two are addons. Prometheus lets fw6.0+ games run in 5.50, and PSNLover bypasses the older-firmware lockout in Playstation Store

December 2nd, 2010, 07:21
Sounds good. Now all I need is an easy way to upgrade to 550GEN-D3 and install prometheus and psnlover. If you have any other suggestions or links to any sites or guide let me know whats good.